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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. It wasn't hard for him to predict that there would be a pandemic (he never said Covid-19).Presidents from Reagan to Obama faced pandemics. Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton- HIV Bush 2- hiv, avian flu Obama- swine flu, ebola
  2. What is your source? Are you saying that they created the virus, because that is not possible. [Hidden Content]
  3. Except when a Republican wins. It is only fraud when a Democrat wins. There were close races that the GOP won. Democrats are not saying that there was fraud in those states.
  4. Again, how did he put COVID on us? What steps did he take to ensure there was pandemic?When did he say there is going to be a pandemic during Trump's tenure?
  5. Except in the states that Republicans won. Isnt this what you guys feel? It is absolutely ridiculous 🙄
  6. It is her opinion when she talks about Trump, but facts when she talks about black people and the Democratic Party. Isn't that how you all feel? Snh
  7. So you agree with her assessment of Trump?
  8. It's not. You guys think Candace Owens is all knowing. How do you feel about her now?
  9. Nope, I think she is full of it. Why is she turning on him now?
  10. It won't happen if Trump is the candidate.
  11. My bad. He campaigned but it was unofficial. I didn't know he ran in 2000 Trump has been a presidential candidate three times, in 2000, 2016, and 2020; he also "unofficially" campaigned in 2012 and mulled a run in 2004.
  12. Warnock is currently a Senator; therefore, he is more politically experienced. Walker is illiterate.
  13. You all are sore losers. Suck it up, your candidate lost. Stop whining. If Kelly would've lost I would've accepted it.
  14. In Arizona I think that they cannot start counting mail in ballots until the day of the election I don't think it is like that in Texas
  15. If DeSantis and Trump both run for President and DeSantis wins, will Trump concede or will he claim that the primary elections were rigged? Hmmmm
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