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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. I am not far left leaning.
  2. Why didn't you start a thread about this? Is it because Bannon is a Republican?
  3. Sentenced to 4 mos in prison for contempt of Congress
  4. Didn't he say he suffered from dissociative disorder? He said he had several different personalities so how is he qualified to run for the Senate?
  5. The GOP is pro birth not pro life.
  6. Obviously Republicans don't care, either.
  7. Did Trump threaten Mitch?
  8. Because the GOP pretends to be the party of morality and family values.
  9. People make mistakes but Trump said or tweeted something stupid every single day. I am so happy that he no longer POTUS.
  10. At least he didn't draw a pic of his Hurricane route projection like Trump did. What does this have to do with DeSantis accepting aid?
  11. Click on DeSantis dummy. You can read the entire article
  12. Fact check DeSantis, a newly sworn-in congressman, was one of 67 House Republicans who voted against the bill. DeSantis said he sympathized with victims and that those with flood insurance should have their claims paid. But he said that β€œallowing the program to increase its debt by another $9.7 billion with no plan to offset the spending with cuts elsewhere is not fiscally responsible.” What about those that didn't have insurance?
  13. Again. Why did DeSantis accept the aid when he wouldn't provide relief for New Jersey?
  14. Was this relief bill filled with pork? If so, why did he accept it?
  15. The people in New Jersey needed aid when Sandy hit, and he said no. Why?
  16. He is a hypocrite He didn't vote for aid when another state needed it, so why is accepting aid?
  17. DeSantis should be embarrassed because he accepted the aid.
  18. They are Venezuelan refugees. They are here legally
  19. πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
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