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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Are you ok with the fact that a person does not to have training; in order, to carry.
  2. The use of racial quotas for college admissions was concurrently ruled unconstitutional by the Court in Gratz v. Bollinger (2003). Affirmative action often gives rise to controversy in American politics.
  3. If a white person goes to a HBCU, they qualify for minority scholarships
  4. What proof do you have of this? Post reliable sources, please.
  5. Yes, but they identify as a man. Maybe, that was what she was referring to.
  6. That's a myth created by the right winged media. My son was admitted into Baylor, because he is super smart. My friend's daughter was admitted into UT, because she is intelligent. She is majoring in biochemistry, and has a 3.8 GPA.
  7. If he or she is the most qualified, he should get the job. Regardless, of race and ethnicity.
  8. There have been transgender men who have given birth. (They kept their uterus).
  9. Like Trump did. He believed Putin, and not his intelligent agencies.
  10. If he, she is qualified, he should be hired over a less qualified person. Period
  11. Bs. You are assuming that all minorities are dumb. I know some ignorant white people, as well.
  12. I never said that. Qualified blacks should be hired, period
  13. Because they wouldn't hire a qualified black coach, at all. It"s sad that they had to make the rule ; in order to, give qualified blacks a chance. Remember when the general consensus was that black men were not smart enough to be a NFL quaterback? Some people also thought that an all black starting 5, on a basketball team, were not smart enough to win a championship
  14. No one is discriminated against and ostracized for being straight. So, what's the point?
  15. What would be the point of a straight march?
  16. It wasn't a problem, because it was an elective. It wasn't mandatory.
  17. Yes, but let he without sin cast the first stone.
  18. My SAT score was higher than yours. I graduated 7 out of 110 at HJ. I made the basketball All-State team; and the Academic All State team. I went to Texas A&M on a basketball scholarship, but I wouldve gotten in based on my academic record, as well.
  19. Yet, she has several college degrees, and she is a lawyer. Do you have a high school diploma?
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