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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. You are wasting your time. They are clueless.
  2. This is ridiculous. The first assertion was that he would be sworn in on inauguration day. The date was changed to sometime in March. Someone mentioned that Biden would retire June 6th. Now he is going to return in August. What a gullible group of people.
  3. Unfortunately, you might not have a choice if he/she asks. I dont discriminate against the LBGT community. To each it's own.
  4. I know. I dont understand it
  5. I thought that Biden was supposed to resign on yesterday, June 6th. I vaguely remember someone posting that date on this site.
  6. Do you mean the voter suppression bill that GOP is saying is a voter integrity bill?
  7. Most, is not true. The University of Texas has a black student population of 4.2%. That is a liberal school. [Hidden Content]
  8. That's not true. That's right winged media b.s. Baylor had a 70% white, and a 8% black population when my son was there. When I attended Texas A&M, in the late 80's, early 90's, there were 1000 blacks out of 40,000 students.
  9. My son was accepted into Baylor, because of his academic ability. You didnt think before you posted that nonsense, apparently.
  10. I know. Dude asked me if my son got into Baylor, because he filled a quota. Apparently, his son wasn't smart enough to get in, so he assumed that my son wasn't intelligent, either. Smh
  11. When that person is part of a violent mob, entering through a window they broke, yep. Are you okay with officers shooting people who are running away?
  12. So, if it were a black woman storming the Capitol with an angry mob, would you say the killing was justified?
  13. If someone is coming into your house through a window, along with an angry mob, what are you going to do? Yet, some of you are ok with an officer shooting someone that is running away
  14. She was a part of a mob storming the Capitol. Wasn't she breaking and entering via a window?
  15. You didnt answer my question.
  16. Are you saying that there are not any black qualified coaches?
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