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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. You are a buffoon. I never said that all cops are bad. There are some good and some horrible officers.
  2. That's Makyla's dad. I don't know why he was attacking a teenager.
  3. I know. The officier should be commended for saving a life. Apparently, the fight started because of an unmade bed. [Hidden Content]
  4. I am very frustrated with what some people are saying. This is an open and shut case. I feel sorry for the officer.
  5. I agree. He does have the tools to be a great officer.
  6. Some media outlets are reporting that the officer is a military trained marksman. [Hidden Content]
  7. I agree. The adults should've deesculated the situation before the cops arrived
  8. I don't understand, either. It's tragic, but she was trying to kill someone.
  9. People were wondering if he was a sniper in the military before he became an of officer. He was accurate, he shot Bryant without injuring the other girl.
  10. Are most cops as accurate as he is? Some people are wondering if he was a sniper in the military. His reaction time is phenomenal.
  11. You post stuff without having all the info, sometimes.
  12. I think he had the wrong info when he made the comment. It was initially reported that a black female called the police dept for help. She was standing in her yard, alone, holding a knife, and an officer shot her. I am glad the officer has his dashcam on.
  13. She was mere milliseconds away from stabbing the young lady in the neck. The officer made the right decision. I am impressed with his accuracy and precision. Most people that I have encountered that are mad do not know the full story. They think she was in her yard holding the knife in her hand, and the cop jumped out and killed her. When they see the video, most understand. I am glad that the cop had his dashcam on. The deceased family was telling a different version of events.
  14. The autopsy report stated that he had trace amounts. I don't think you watched the entire trial.
  15. The coroner ruled that it was a homicide.
  16. A doctor also testified that the amount that was in his system was less than the recommended prescribed dosage. Most of the drug had been metabolized.
  17. According to the autopsy, he only had trace amounts of Fentanyl in his system. You should've watched the trial. The defense was horrible.
  18. Cops are not above the law. A world renown Cardiologist and a world renown Pulmonologist said it was murder, not a drug overdose. His police chief and fellow officers said he didn't follow procedure. Flyod only had trace amounts of Fentanyl in his system at the time of his death. GUILITY
  19. She encouraged protests, not riots. There is a difference. [Hidden Content]
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