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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. That's a bunch of b.s. Stop listening to Newsmax
  2. Your numbers are highly inflated.
  3. Lil Wayne did a great job kissing Trump's butt, as a result, he got what he wanted, a pardon Trump tends to award those who show him adoration. It doesn't mean he isn't a racist.
  4. You should read a history book. I learned that info in the 5th grade.
  5. She was breaking into the Capitol, which was idiotic.
  6. The ideology switch started during Roosevelt's tenure , and ended when the Dixiecrats left the Democratic party because of Nixon's Southern strategy.
  7. An impeachment wouldn't cause him to lose benefits. He would have to be removed from office.
  8. The "protesters" killed two Capitol police officers. Why would they put her name on a shirt, she was breaking into the Capitol?
  9. If They were breaking and entering through a window, and the owner who was in his shop killed them, I would say that It's justified.
  10. If someone was breaking into your house, would you shoot first, or wait to see if he is armed? That's different than shooting someone in the back that is fleeing or kneeling on someone's neck for around 8 minutes.
  11. This is a nice copy and paste. I saw this on social media.
  12. Bullcrap. She was breaking and entering.
  13. Nothing has changed. Biden is the President elect
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