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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Your ignorance is astonishing. 🤣🤣
  2. Wow!!! The author of this article should be ashamed of himself.
  3. How many of your family members are you willing to sacrifice
  4. Geez, What news station are you watching?
  5. I am taking the vaccine on Friday. I will let you guys know how it goes.
  6. How many people have to die before that happens naturally?
  7. They also said that they wouldve ruled against it
  8. The people who work for Newsmax should be ashamed of themselves for giving you guys false hope
  9. How many people have to die before that happens naturally?
  10. There are 3 branches of government. We have checks and balances. Would you prefer a dictatorship?
  11. I asked an anti vaxxer when is the last time he heard of someone contacting polio or small pox. He responded that It's been a long time. Duh, It's due to people getting inoculated.
  12. Yes, It's called herd immunity
  13. He is not going to be the President. Why are you deluding yourself? The fat lady sang. What news outlet are you watching? Unbelievable
  14. Why do they post stuff showing a black person agreeing with them. Is that supposed to change our mind?
  15. They sure don't. Your comment is refreshing. I get so frustrated talking to anti vaxxers.
  16. Yes. I will know soon if I am going to be in the first wave at my place of employment. I don't have any preexisting conditions, so I might not get chosen.
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