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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. They dont believe in abortion, but they are opposed to insurance companies paying 100% for birth control. They are not pro life, they are probirth. They dont care what happens to the baby when he's born, because they support cuts to programs that help to sustain life.
  2. He and his dad were sued by the justice dept, because of their discriminatory housing practices against minorities.
  3. He sure didnt. He said to the Proud Boys, "stand back and stand by".
  4. He sure did. Democrats and Republicans are saying that his performance was embarrassing.
  5. Why do you bother trying to have an intellectual conversation with these people? They will defend Trump no matter what he does. It's sad to watch.
  6. She should've complied, we dont know the whole story etc. One should never resist arrest. Heck, at least she is still breathing.
  7. I know. I dont understand why they believe anything that he says. He clearly said on tape that he was downplaying Covid-19, and some people refuse to admit he said it. They are a cult.
  8. Unbelievable. I cant believe that some people dont know that mail in voting has been around for years. This is not a new thing.
  9. People have voted by mail for years. Why is it a problem now?
  10. He continued: Get over it. People are going to continue to kneel. Why are people pledging allegiance to an inanimate object?
  11. You sound insane. There are Democrats that are Christians
  12. I hope that they have fact checkers readily available.
  13. What happened to the pandemic response team
  14. Also, blacks are charged, arrested, and convicted more than their white counterparts when committing the same crime, so it looks like we commit more crimes. We dont.
  15. Using Decadron can decrease the mortality rate by 1/3. Anticoagulants (blood thinners) are also used to prevent microembolisms in the lungs. I think the morbidity rate is still high.
  16. I agree. If i have heart disease, and i die in a car accident, the accident killed me, not the heart disease
  17. Again. Trump admitted to downplaying the severity of the illness. He knew thst it was more deadly than the flu, yet he called it a Democratic hoax. Listen to the tape. It is his fault.
  18. Again, Trump admitted to downplaying the virus. He knew it was more deadly than the flu, yet he called it a Democratic hoax. You cant explain this away.
  19. There are people who receive these services that work. They are called tbe working poor. For instance, CHIP and WIC are based on the number of people in a person's household, and his income. I assume you know about Medicare. Tbe Medicaid Star Kids program is based on the disabled kids income. The parent can make 200,000/ year, yet the kid can still receive Medicaid. Biden doesnt want to defund the police.
  20. Bs. You guys are pro birth only. You support a party that wants to make cuts to Medicare, Medicaid. WIC, CHIPS, and SNAPS. These programs help to sustain life. Did you receive FEMA assistance?
  21. Trump admitted on tape to downplaying it. He admitted to being untruthful. You cant refute that.
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