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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Oh my, is that the best you can come up with? PS. I have never had an abortion.
  2. There were people who believed that it was a hoax by the Democrats, like he stated . Now they are dead. His actions were irresposible. You can tell the truth, and still urge others to remain Admit that is a serious condition, more deadly than the flu. Tell people not to panic, but to take precautions to remain safe. Encourage people to wear masks. Etc. Calling it a hoax and telling people not to wear masks was irresponsible. I dont recall Dr Facci nor Pelosi calling it a hoax.
  3. Did i say it was a crime? It is irresponsible.
  4. Listen to the tapes. Trump said that Covid-19 is more deadly than the flu. He also admitted to downplaying the risk. This cannot be refuted.
  5. Ha, Ha. Somebody is "big mad". I earned everything that I have received. Why do you make the assumption that a black person can't be successful unless someone gives him something? Your ignorance is astonishing. Again, you have white privilege, and you couldn't use that to your advantage.i feel sorry for you.
  6. My parents lived in the Jim Crow era. They had to sit in the back of the bus, and they coudnt dine in restaurants. I am one generation removed, and I am a college graduate. My sister and my nephew are also college graduates. My son graduated from Baylor and is working as a junior data and marketing analyst. My youngest son attends college. The sad thing is that we are doing better than you Are, and you had white privilege, which shows how pathetic you are. Imagine if my ancestors had the same opportunities that your ancestors had.
  7. How do you know what she is thinking.
  8. How could a slave live a good life? Please explain. Lol
  9. Don't get bad because she has that good good. You don't know who she has slept with. Were you there? Stop being a puppet.
  10. During the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, African slaves were dropped off in Jamaica, so they have African origins like me. She has African origins and she lives in America, hence the name African-American. Geez!!!!! WOW. Stick to defining white people.
  11. If Daffy Duck was on the ticket, I would vote for Biden.
  12. This comment shows how stupid you are. Obama spent close to 10 years in the Illinois State Senate, and he was a US senator for close to 2 years
  13. She is black. Her dad is a Jamacian.
  14. Her credentials are impressive. Trump didn't have any political experience, yet you voted for him. Now, look at the state of our country.
  15. That's crazy. We do need police officiers.
  16. It doesn't make sense, at all.
  17. What do they mean when they say defund? I don't understand.
  18. White people are hired only because they are white all of the time.
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