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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Trump acts like a petulant 2 year old, yet you voted for him.
  2. No. I am pro life, because I don't believe in abortion, and I support programs that help to sustain life.
  3. I just opened it. You all don't want to know the truth
  4. Seeking asylum is legal, so why are they punishing people?
  5. I don't understand how a person can consider himself pro life when they are against programs that help to sustain life; such as, food stamps, WIC, CHIP, and Medicaid. Republicans don't want to pay for birth control, they don't support abortions, yet they are ok with a kid starving to death when he is born.
  6. There is a difference between stopping illegal immigration, and locking kids in cages, because the parents are seeking asylum, which is legal.
  7. I agree with the assessments stated in the article. You guys are a weird bunch.
  8. He is still impeached. He will always have an asterisk by his name. That upsets him, which makes me Happy!!!
  9. The Chiefs play in Kanas City, Missouri. How dumb is he?
  10. Is that the only gaffe that comes to mind? How many has Trump made ?
  11. What about Nixon. Did he commit impeachable offenses?
  12. I am glad that Mary and Joseph were able to seek asylum in Bethlehem. Poor Jesus would've died as an infant. I guess his parents we horrible, since they made the long journey to Bethlehem to protect him.
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