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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Because they signed The nuclear deal.
  2. There were definitely errors in judgement and strategies with Fast and Furious. Bush did a similar thing, and it was called Operation Wide Receiver. What do you think about that plan. Hillary requested more assistance in Bengazi, she didn't receive it. We gave Iran their money back
  3. Iran was given their money back when they signed the nuclear deal. The assets that were frozen by the US.
  4. I watch Comedy Central because it is funny. The fact that they talked about Trump made it much better. I get news from multiple sources.
  5. Didn't the Reagan administration sell weapons to Iran? Remember the Iran Contra Scandal.
  6. Per the article I posted. Why don't we attack China? Carlson also criticized Republican Sen. Ben Sasse, who had characterized the assassination of Soleimani as “very simple” because “he was an evil bastard who murdered Americans.” Even if that is true, Carlson said, it doesn’t explain why the United States isn’t launching similar attacks against Mexico and China who are also linked to the deaths of Americans. “Soleimani was certainly a bad guy. But does that make killing him quote ‘Very simple?’ It does not,” Carlson said. “Nothing about life and certainly nothing about killing is ever ‘very simple’ and any politician that tells you otherwise is dumb or is lying.” Trump, Carlson said, ran for president “on a promise of fewer foreign adventures” and he vowed “to focus on our problems here at home.” Since then, Washington and some of the president’s advisers “have been committed to ignoring the results of that election and its implications. Washington has wanted war with Iran for decades …. They may have finally gotten it.”
  7. Did you read the article I posted?
  8. Do we need to assassinate a high ranking official from China? Russia?
  9. Do you agree with him now. What about China? What do we do with them?
  10. I believe what an expert has to say. You all are clueless.
  11. I don't believe anything Trump says.
  12. I have been married for 23 years. I have two beautiful kids. My oldest graduated from Baylor in May, 2019. My youngest attends Stephen F. Austin University.
  13. They tried to find dirt, but they didn't find any.
  14. I am typing like Trump tweets. Do you have a problem with him?
  15. So, he is still impeached. There will always be an asterisk by his name. He is so frustrated, which makes me happy. Obama was never impeached.
  16. The first elected President to be impeached during his first term
  17. [Hidden Content]. This is one of the best days of my life.
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