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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. There were European countries that backed what they were doing. They believed that there was corruption; as well. Biden was acting on behalf of the U.S. Trump was acting on behalf of himself. I believe the Biden was exonerated in 2015. I will have to check. If he was, why is Trump concerned now? He has been in office since 2017.
  2. Trump is not doing a good job. He has made America the laughing stock of the world.
  3. President Obama dealt with a lot of hate. He never threw a "twitter" tantrum like Trump does. If people said something bad about me, I wouldn't respond, because they are irrelevant. Trump shows that he cares, which is pathetic.
  4. So, why are you guys talking about Biden?. He impregnated someone. Trump slept with a porn star,, and cheated on his first wife with his second wife. JFK had affairs. It all good, right?
  5. Trump is thin skinned. Clinton isn't. His feelings are going to be hurt. 😁
  6. No, if he is impeached my happiness will overshadow any sadness I might feel. Trump is going to be so upset.
  7. I don't care if he is removed. He is always going to have an asterisk by his name. Only 2 other Presidents have been impeached. That is really going to upset him, and that is going to bring me joy.
  8. They are disgusting, just like Trump.
  9. Trump slept with a porn star while he was married. What do you think about that?
  10. Yes he is. Biden is the Democratic frontrunner. Trump knows that, hence, he wanted dirt on him. That's why he contacted the Ukranian President.
  11. I already posted a link on this thread. Look for it
  12. Biden was exonerated. If he wasn't, it still doesn't excuse what Trump did. A President cannot ask a foreign power to investigate a political opponent. It is illegal. It is that simple. If he was so concerned, he should've contacted the FBI
  13. I already posted an article. A prosecutor from the Ukraine
  14. Biden was exonerated. What Trump did is illegal. If he was so concerned, he should' ve gone to the FBI. Regardless of what Biden might have done, the President is not supposed to ask a foreign power to investigate a political rival. That's why there is talk of impeachment.
  15. He asked a foreign power to investigate a political rival. Isn't that illegal?
  16. The Biden's were cleared of any wrongdoing. This occurred before Trump asked for an investigation.
  17. At least he didnt grab them by their vaginas
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