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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. You all want to force a woman to have a baby, even if he is going to starve to death, or die from a preventable illness, once he is born, because Republicans want to decrease funding to WIC, SNAPS, CHIPS, and Medicaid. These programs help to sustain life. Republicans are pro birth not pro life.
  2. If there is an "original" wall, why is another one necessary?
  3. What about people who work and receive food stamps,WIC, or CHIP. Or, the people that work and receive a healthcare subsidy. How do you feel about them?
  4. She was wrong, just like Susan Smith, who said a black man kidnapped her kids, yet she killed them. Did you ever watch the movie Rosewood? A white lady had an affair with a white man, but she told her husband that a black man raped her. How do you feel about that?
  5. This is a great idea. We should let children starve, so that we can pay for the wall. Let's get rid of that program. (Sar asm). Maybe, they should get rid of FEMA; as well. What will some of you all do when it floods in your area?
  6. Did you see her outfit? She looked lime a hooker.
  7. I don't know the details of her story. What is she saying?
  8. She is guilty of killing him. That is not being disputed.
  9. I can't understand why her story changed. First she used her key to get in, then she states that the door was ajar.
  10. Why did she tell the Dallas PD that her key opened the door, and the Texas Rangers that the door was ajar.
  11. If the door was ajar, why didn't she call for back-up. I thought that officers were trained to observe their surroundings. I have a hard time getting past the red rug in front of his door. She didn't have one in front of hers.
  12. The rug was outside of the apartment in front of his door. There are 2 witnesses that claim they heard her yelling "let me in". Initially, she said her key opened the door, now she is saying that the door was ajar. I find her story hard to believe; as well. Some speculate that she was a jilted lover. How was she in a life threatening situation?
  13. Did I say that? I wonder why she didn't notice the big red rug that was in front of his apartment door. She said she thought it was her apartment, but she didn't have a rug.
  14. We are arrested and convicted more than our white counterparts, so our numbers are going to look higher. if the number you posted is correct. If one is not arrested and corrected, than he doesnt become a stat. Why do white people commit more mass shootings. Terroristic acts?
  15. Get used to the idiotic remarks.
  16. Yes. We are arrested, charged, and convicted more; when compared to, our white counterparts when committing the same crimes. Why is that?
  17. He Would've been okay with Kaep kneeling, if he were alive.
  18. We make up 13 percent of the population, but are shot 26 percent of the time. Do you see a problem with that?
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