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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. There are more white people on welfare than black people, so I guess July 4th will be moved to June 14th, when those white people join the middle class. Why are white people on welfare? They didn't have to endure slavery or Jim Crow Laws Hmmmm.
  2. Hmmmm...i have a female cousin who is gay. She says that the thought of being with a man makes her ill. I am an avid reader, I am having a hard time finding books that don't have gay couples. I am not gay, I can't relate, so I don't want to read about it. I don't know if that makes me insensitive.
  3. Did Cohen say that he was instructed by Trump to use campaign funds. Is that illegal?
  4. In the medical field, we still say vagina. Front hole sounds weird.
  5. [Hidden Content] Thoughts... MAGA- Many are getting arrested.
  6. I thought that Trump opposed chain migration. This is interesting [Hidden Content]
  7. He doesn't speak for all black people.
  8. I know you googled the term projection. I know you didn't know what the word meant. After reading the definition, it should be clear why I stated that you are projecting.
  9. Fox news is not a credible news outlet
  10. I need credible sources. Politifact said that it is not true.
  11. You know that Trump made a fool out of himself, admit it.
  12. You guys are weird. You all believe all of the right winged conspiracy theories. Are any of you capable of independent thought? How many of y'all trust Alex Jones?
  13. Just because you think I run, doesn't mean I do. Feel free to believe what you want. It doesn't matter.
  14. So, you are siding with Russia?
  15. Illegal immigrants cant vote. You are grasping for straws.
  16. Trump admitted that the Russians interfered. I am not outraged. I think that the situation is hilarious. He made a fool out of himself, again.
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