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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Nope. Some would like us to believe that If a black person commits a crime he is a thug If a Muslim commits a crime, he is a terrorist If a white man commits a crime he is mentally ill
  2. [Hidden Content]. I feel for the families of those who perished
  3. Why can't we all carry around hand grenades. Hand grenades don't kill people, people kill people
  4. What about the white guy who shot over 500 people using a gun. What about the mentally ill, should they be allowed to purchase a weapon
  5. Did one person shoot over 500 people this weekend?
  6. [Hidden Content] Why don't people understand that we need stricter laws in regards to purchasing guns
  7. Xenophobic....white people kill white people at higher rates than other races. Do you hate other whites?
  8. Where was your outrage when a white man shot over 500 people and killed 58? This is horrible, but not all Muslims are terrorists. Should we judge all white people based on the actions of Timothy Mcveigh?
  9. Did you graduate from high school?
  10. I find it hard to believe that a person can be affiliated with 25 people, give or take, who have ties to Russia and not have ties himself. Anything is possible, but dang.
  11. Your ignorance is astonishing. Wow!!!
  12. Hilliary is not in bed with the Russians. I wish they Would be had the report sooner so that they could be read it to the public. They used a British agent to dig up dirt, so it is not considered collision, since they are our Allies.
  13. The federalist? I haven't heard of this site, news outlet etc. This is Fake news
  14. I should be shocked that you are defending a guy who admits to sexually assaulting women by grabbing them by their vaginas, but I am not. You are weird, dude. Men will be men, right?
  15. Why didn't he say we can't let the employees run the business if that is what he meant? Yes, he did call them inmates, and you don't get to dictate when someone should feel insulted.
  16. Walking naked isn't a constitutional right. The Supreme Court ruled in 1946 that it is unconstitutional to try and make a person stand for the pledge. The Supreme Court made this clear in 1943 when it decided the landmark case of West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette. In that case, school children who were Jehovah's Witnesses refused to salute the flag because it was against their religion to do so, and as a result they were expelled or threatened with expulsion. The Supreme Court forcefully ruled that punishing students for not participating in the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional. Federal Courts have stated that guns can't be bought into certain buildings, so that is not considered something that violates a person's constitutional rights. If you have a problem with that sue and go to court
  17. I miss Bush; as well. I never thought I would say this. He is a genius when compared to Trump
  18. That is not a constitutional right, but peacefully protesting is.
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