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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. How many gaffes has Trump made? This is getting ridiculous. Okay, Obama said 58 states, what else has he said?
  2. So the Democrats are to blame that the black family mom, dad. Kids dynamic is decreasing? If that "s true. It sounds like something that you heard on fox news
  3. I vote for the Democrats, because they believe in affirmative action programs (this program gives qualified blacks a chance); as well as programs that help the poor. I like unions ( without them we wouldn't have overtime pay, weekends). I like the fact that unemployment insurance is available for those who lose their jobs. I am glad that poor students can get Pell grants to attend school; and student loans are available; as well. The whole pull yourself up by your bootstraps is a bunch of crap. Some of you guys proved that when you applied for FEMA aid. I don't know why other blacks vote for Democrats, am I supposed to?
  4. I agree. I know people who work hard who aren't rich.
  5. Did you receive FEMA aid? If you work hard, you shouldn't have needed It, right?
  6. Are you trying to impress white people by talking bad about blacks? Do you see any of them talking bad about white people?
  7. Are you trying to impress white people by talking bad about blacks? Do you see any of them talking bad about white people?
  8. Are you saying that ALL transgender people assault children? I don't know if this is a true story. Maybe, there should be a law banning white males from entering a bathroom with children in it, since 80% of crimes against children are committed by white males.
  9. If you knew what the word meant, why did you respond the way you did? It didn't make sense.
  10. Do you know what monolith means.? Look at the definition. My goodness.
  11. Translation: if you're trying to kiss a white person's arse.
  12. A white person shot 558 people. Think about that. If he were black, you guys would call him all types of names.
  13. I never said that. I mentioned that most of the Republicans on this forum are racist
  14. H Yep. I think that it is funny how people on this board always talk about black on black crime in Chicago. A white man shot 500 people in one day. Is that a record? Many on this board attempt to depict black people as savages, they won't admit that all races have people that are animalistic.
  15. Let's also keep a tally of white people who shoot othets and a count of those who blow up things. Etc.Maybe, you will realize that white people can be animalistic like other races. You will also realize that you are not the superior race. There is not a race that is better than another
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