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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Are you really a black person, or are you pretending to be one? I wouldn't put anything pass anyone on this forum
  2. Kaep never said he would stand. That has been proven.
  3. There are people who will never stand. Get over it.
  4. My boss can't violate my constitutional rights.
  5. Black people are not a monolith. You can think as you please; as long as, you don't have self hatred. That's when it becomes detrimental. If one is trying to impress white people that's not good either.
  6. It was said that they "should" stand . No one said that they "must" stand. The player's union responded. I knew they would. It is sad that some people think it is ok to force someone to stand. I went to a football game last night. Most people didn't , it was a joyous occasion
  7. Yep. I think that it is funny how people on this board always talk about black on black crime in Chicago. A white man shot 500 people in one day. Is that a record? Many on this board attempt to depict black people as savages, they won't admit that all races have people that are animalistic.
  8. I agree. I would not be upset if someone calls me the n word. I would laugh. It shows his ignorance.
  9. If the shooter was Muslim, you guys would be having a field day. Hypocrites!!!!.
  10. This is sad. My heart goes out to the families. A white man is the culprit. I guess the so called Muslim ban didn't help in this situation. If a Muslim kills he is a terrorist If a black man kills he is a thug If a white man kills he is mentally ill Isn't that the usual narrative.
  11. I think that you are embarrassed, because now you realize that you made an arse out of yourself. It is ok. When people are and, their true feelings are revealed. Haveyou called me the n word, yet?
  12. Did he attempt to deny people their constitutional right? If so, that is disturbing.
  13. Wow, unbelievable. I am not angry, you are. My ancestors were brutally beaten, raped, tourtoured and I had 2 uncle's that were lynched in the 60s, yet you would tell them that they (if they were still alive)should be grateful that they were kidnapped and that their families were torn apart. The British offered immediate freedom.I get it now, racist white people feel that we should be thankful that we were forced to leave our native land and come to this country ,so that we could be forced to offer free labor for centuries. You sound insane. I am going to pray for you.
  14. Yes, when I was a teacher I never stood for the flag nor did I make the kids stand. They usually talked so loud and I had to make them be quiet after the pledge so that I could hear the announcements. No one said a thing
  15. You don't have to believe it. It doesn't change the fact that I am a Registered Nurse with over 20 years experience.
  16. Having a master's degree is impressive. You thoughts are well articulated. I agree, he does make it easy, he should stop tweeting
  17. Slaves were offered freedom if they fought with the British. Who would you chose? The country who wanted to continue to enslave you or the country that offered you freedom? That is an easy choice. Why was Keys angry?
  18. At least you admit that it is his RIGHT. The owners don't care, so why should he?
  19. Not many, i presume, because of your answers and your attempts to deflect.
  20. Answer my question. Why is it inappropriate for him to kneel? The Washington Times is not a reputable sure. Only an idiot would believe that story. Your anger won't change a thing. People will continue to sit, kneel etc
  21. Dang? You Are an angry white male. Your anger is palpable. Baddog is bragging, because the Chinese supposedly banned Muslims and then he proudly stated that we banned them first. Do you not see anything fundamentally wrong with that? It doesn't bother me, he can think what he wants. He sounds incredibly stupid, but who am I to judge.
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