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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. The poor oppressed white man. What shall you do? Give me a break. Surely, you can think of a more valid response.
  2. Racist white people don't want us to have a voice. GET OVER IT. Your "good ole days" are gone forever. This is not the 60s.
  3. I know. She said she is a proud B. I love it. The President used such eloquent language when he described Colin. SOB. It doesn't get better than that(sarcasm).
  4. He can't. He can't do much of anything, except tweet.
  5. His wife was ticked off and voiced her disapproval to Trump in a tweet. Wrong post. I was talking about Tillman's post. Why are you guys so upset about a player taking a knee when it is their constitutional right to do so. Don't say, because they are at work, because obviously their employers didn't mind, they joined them. We live in a democracy, not a dictatorship.
  6. Nash, were you upset when Rosa Parks didn't give up her seat? Were you upset when Ali refused to fight for a country that treated him like a second class citizen? A white friend told me that racists white people will never be okay with the way a black person choses to protest.
  7. Why would a slave want to fight for this country? Why was Keys upset? Why didnt he wish death on the British in the song?
  8. I just read the article you posted. They should've held a peaceful protest.
  9. I am not ok with people advocating the murder of cops. Were you okay with those white supremacist who held their march to spew hate? Yes, you were. You were saying that they had a constitutional right to March, yet you'ryou're upset about NFL players taking a knee.
  10. We were once taught to hate ourselves by racist whites. Some of you long for those days, but it is never going to be that way again.
  11. No, I am not ok. I am not making excuses. You guys love to point out crimes committed by blacks while ignoring crimes committed by whites. You are NOT.tbe superior race.
  12. Are those people actually part of the movement, because that is not the focus of it. People shouldn't be advocating the killing of officers.
  13. No, I am not okay with this. It is a horrible situation. I am not making excuses. You guys love to point out crimes committed by blacks while ignoring crimes committed by whites. You are NOT the superior race.
  14. It is sad that a 70 year old msn acts like a belligerent child.
  15. But he only mentioned slaves. Why didn't he mention white people that were fighting against the U.S.?
  16. No one said that ALL police officers are racists. What have you been smoking?
  17. So none of these things exist in the white community? White kids dont listen to rape music etc? What makes them shoot up schools and movie theaters? Why are white males more prone to rape children and become serial killers? Is it becsuse they listen to punk rock music? What you said is laughable. I am so happy Kaepis frustrating so many racists, like.yourself. Get over it. . He will never stand and neither will I.
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