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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. When did this happen? Did it really happen? I need a source besides some conservative website. If it is true, I don't think it is acceptable. If you were black and you knew why it was written. Would you stand?
  2. The black lives movement is not about that. Our lives matter, too. Period.
  3. He is comparing Apple's to oranges. Get over it. People are going to take a knee. Colin' s biggest accomplishment is the fact the irritated a plethora of racists. That should give him so much satisfaction . His adopted mother, who is white, should be proud.
  4. For those of you asking "How does the national anthem have anything to do with racial profiling and oppression. " The Star Spangled Banner was actually wrote as a poem by Author Francis Scott Key. In it he openly celebrates the murder of slaves. The song itself was rooted in the celebration of slavery and the murder of Africans in America, who were being hired by the British military to give them strength not only in the War of 1812, but in the Battle of Fort McHenry of 1814. These black men were called the Corps of Colonial Marines and they served valiantly for the British military. Key despised them. He was glad to see them experience terror and death in war — to the point that he wrote a poem about it. A shortened version of that poem is now our national anthem..... No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave, And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. We have cops out killing black people for no reason. We have white supremacists marching the streets and plowing through crowds and Trump calls them "good people". I understand why they are taking a knee. I'm happy the NFL are supporting them. Something needs to change!
  5. You have to attempt to find work in order to receive the benefits. You have to report your job search every two weeks.
  6. You can only get TANF for 5 years. So, what were you saying about lifetime aid? Pull yourself up by your own boot strap, dude.
  7. FEMA offered emergency stsmps. Did you get them?
  8. You don't mind them sticking their nose in your business, at this time, because you need that FEMA check. I am sure the reps asked a lot of questions.
  9. I don't have a problem with people receiving FEMA assistance, except for those Republicans who abhor federal Aid, (unless they need it). They are being hypocritical.
  10. Exactly, so there is not any excuse not to have any. Health care expenses cost a lot. Thank God that people, especially those with pre-existing conditions can obtain coverage.
  11. One wouldnt need FEMA assistance if they were responsible and purchased insurance. Republicans, pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.
  12. The North Carolina men's basketball team is not going, either. They said they couldn't agree on a date. " they threw 8 or 9 different dates out there and couldnt find ' one that was feasible. Ha, ha. I wonder if that is the real reason
  13. Tom Brady didn't go when President Obama was in office. Obama didn't care.
  14. So.....it is not ok to receive unemployment benefits in a time of need, but it is ok to get FEMA assistance. Am I correct?
  15. I am a Democrat, but I am not a liberal. This forum is boring. I need intellectual stimulating conversation. The Republicans on this forum are incapable of providing that type of stimulation.
  16. Apparently, it is good to be prepared. Just in case. I have flood insurance, and I don't live in a flood zone. It is inexpensive.
  17. Ap Is that the best response you could think of? Every Republican on this forum should've had flood insurance since you guys dislike government assistance programs.
  18. Is that the best response you could think of? Every Republican on this forum should've had flood insurance since you guys dislike government assistance programs.
  19. Is that the best response you could think of? Every Republican on this forum should've had flood insurance since you guys dislike government assistance programs.
  20. What happened to self sufficiency? You guys are hypocrites. It is only ok to file for assistance when YOU need it, not others. Sickening.
  21. How many of you self proclaimed "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" Republicans applied for federal assistance?
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