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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Name all the terrorist attacks done by white men (white nationalists) in the U.S. vs Muslims. What percentage of Muslims are terrorists? Gasp. [Hidden Content]
  2. Have you seen what has happened to some of those people that attended the rally and have been identified? They have lost their jobs, they have been disowned by their families. One guy said he is scared to go home, because he has been receiving death threats. Another guy was kicked out of his hotel room. They are reaping what they have sowed.. I don't agree with the death threats. The same people in this thread that talked about Colin and his supposedly disrespect of the flag, support this mess.
  3. Gasp. He is not a Muslim [Hidden Content]
  4. Read the articles I posted. Those authors say otherwise.
  5. Yeah, right. Where did you attend college?
  6. Nash said that Johnny African American with a 3.0 has a better chance of getting into Baylor when compared to Johnny Caucasian. Those numbers say otherwise
  7. They complain about affirmative action, yet they are ok with rich white parents buying their kids degrees and they are ok with legacy programs which heavily favor white kids. Hypocrites
  8. What is the ethnic makeup of Baylor University? African Americans make up about 8% of Baylor's undergraduate student body; for reference, the rest of the undergraduate breakdown is 65% white, 14% Hispanic, 8% Asian, 5% other/unknown. Overall, Baylor's racial minority percentage is around 34%, making our student body the second-most diverse in the Big 12.
  9. 8% black. 65% white. The question was about black vs white.
  10. Are you okay with white kids getting into college, because they have rich parents and or they take advantage of legacy programs?
  11. What college did you attend? White people have generations of people who graduated from college, thus, white youth benefit more from legacy programs.
  12. Johnny Caucasian. Baylor has 14, 000 students. I think maybe 1000, are black.
  13. Yes, it does. White women also benefit from affirmative action.
  14. My son was considered legacy at my alma Mata, Texas A&M University, yet he had the GPA and class ranking to get in on his merits. Trump's dad bought his degree, (Donald). We all know he didn't get into Penn, an Ivy League School, because he is smart.
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