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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Dump Trump, he is not Albert Einstein, not even close
  2. You named 5. I don't agree that all of them are lies. Someone listed around 700 lies that Trump has told.
  3. Do you think it is fair that wealthy white kids get admitted; even though, they have lower GPA's than some minorities?
  4. Trump and his dad was sued by the Justice Department, because of discriminatory housing practices toward minorities. He thinks that Blacks are a monolith. In a debate he said "the blacks are poor, uneducated and live in inner cities". Trump threatened the governor of Alaska in regards to his health care bill, he tried to intimidate her into voting yeah.
  5. I know, right. I can't believe that he lied and said that he was told that he gave the best speech at the Boy Scout Jamboree of all time. He also lied and said the Mexican President called and praised him in regards to how great he was doing as far as border control is concerned. He lies about things that can be easily verified. He is not playing with a full deck.
  6. They didn't endorse him. That is fact. Trump is incompetent and he is a liar.
  7. Obama wasn't stupid enough to tweet about his indiscretions, if there were any. Trump has no one to blame, but himself
  8. Some article listed 700 lies that he has told, far.
  9. IMO, it ensures that qualified minorities get a fair chance. The aforementioned article gives some insight about white privilege and college admission.
  10. [Hidden Content] Thoughts...
  11. Socialized Medicine, insurance for all Americans. I love the idea!!!!
  12. Liar!. Nurses and doctors decide what procedures, hospital stays etc are approved or denied based on Interqual or Mcmillian guidelines, which are written by doctors. I have worked for several medical insurance companies in that capacity. Registered Nurses can approve, but not deny. Only doctors can do both. They use what is called a peer to peer review.
  13. You guys were talking about Muslims. He effectively "flipped the script", as some would say. Now you' re offended. You guys are pathetic.
  14. Oops. It looks like they will be serving. Your celebration didn't last long. Lol
  15. Yet, you guys would love to see millions lose their coverage and die. Hypocrites!!!!
  16. Would a white nationalist befriend me?
  17. Nope, why would i would befriend a white nationalist? Are all Muslims terrorists? Nope. Would a white nationalist befriend me? White nationalist groups espouse white supremacist or white separatist ideologies, often focusing on the alleged inferiority of nonwhites. Groups listed in a variety of other categories - Ku Klux Klan, neo-Confederate, neo-Nazi, racist skinhead, and Christian Identity - could also ...
  18. Yeah right. You HAD a degree from Lamar, what happened to it? The Republicans have to do a better job. I don't know if 300,000 people died, but if they continue to cut funding to government programs that help veterans, people will continue to die. What happened with the VA, because of the selfishness of the members of the GOP, does not change my viewpoint on socialized medicine.
  19. I have Muslim families in my neighborhood. My son has 2 good friends that are Muslims, Syeed and Malik. We love and respect them.
  20. I have trouble writing coherent sentences? You are really reaching. Republicans vote against legislation that can help veterans, more democrats need to be elected. Did you ever consider getting your degree?
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