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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. If Trump is innocent, he should not be concerned.
  2. It's called slang, dude. I heard someone say it. I think it is befitting for this situation. You don't have to be jealous, it is never too late to go back to school
  3. I pay more in taxes than a lot of you guys, so I should be complaining. I am not, because I have compassion.
  4. They might repeal it today, when they vote. That would be a travesty. It would hurt a lot of people
  5. A person can only get TANF assistance for 5 years (Bill Clinton changed it in the 90s), so how can one get welfare from the cradle to the grave. Google welfare reform
  6. Obamacare Repeal Coverage loss Where did you get this info. The Fox news thread? This contradicts everything that I have read.
  7. It must really bother you that I have 2 college degrees. You don't have to be jealous. Republicans typically vote against legislation that helps veterans. I don't have a problem with the ACA.
  8. I used slang. I heard someone say it, that's why it is in quotation marks. I felt that it was befitting since we are talking about Trump, who is a dummy
  9. Why is he talking about politics at a boy scout jamboree? A great majority of these kids can't vote. This is so sad. He is pathetic.
  10. This is ridiculous. "Where they do that at"? [Hidden Content]
  11. Most of the Republicans on this board only have high school diplomas or GEDs I am guessing.
  12. I was talking about the fella that made the statement that I copied. I know that Trump's dad BOUGHT his degree from the Wharton school of business at Penn University.
  13. Kelly Ann is "throwed off"
  14. That deal was already in place when Obama took office
  15. Do you think all of them are spineless
  16. Medicaid expansion provides Insurance for those who made too much money to qualify for Medicaid and too little to shop on the exchange. They made provisions for those people ,so that they could have coverage. They have jobs, so your comment is null and void.
  17. [Hidden Content] It is common sense
  18. One has to have a job, and make a certain amount of money to shop on the exchange, so how are they mooching?
  19. He threatened to fine them if they left the country, and he was bragging saying he prevented them from leaving. Does anyone take him seriously? Aren't they closing the plant in the U.S?
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