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Big girl

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Everything posted by Big girl

  1. Because of him and his great negotiating skills. Yet, they are still leaving [Hidden Content]
  2. How dare he help people get coverage...your numbers might me a bit inflated. States had the option to use the Medicaid expansion to help bridge the gap for those who made too little to shop on the exchange and too much to get Medicaid. This has saved a lot of lives, but you don't care. Texas opted out.
  3. Mostly blue collar, uneducated people voted for Trump. I would be shocked if he has a college degree; as opposed, to a GED.
  4. He said he is paying for something I used. I am almost positive I make more than he does, hence, i pay more taxes. Actually, the wealthiest 2% pay more taxes to fund the ACA.
  5. Actually Romney came up with the idea. They have Romneycare in Massachusetts.
  6. And you couldn't be more of an idiot
  7. They have been and she has been cleared of any wrongdoing.
  8. Why is this being investigated? Lol
  9. How many Dems had inappropriate meetings with Russians? Did anyone from Japan laugh in Roosevelt or Truman's presence. These guys were laughing while Trump was speaking. That is disrespectful, but I thought it was hilarious.
  10. Trump is trash, like it or not.
  11. If Obama wouldve dozed off you guys would be in an uproar. Maybe, this job is too hard for him due to his lack of stamina, if he is sleeping on the job. So you don't care if you can't get Medicare? You don't care if kids on Medicaid that are ventilator dependent lose Medicaid coverage? Your compassion is something to be desired.
  12. You are delusional. The Republicans investigated the Benghazi incident several times and they didn't find any wrongdoing. Didn't hear the Russian story, it is probably fake news. The Republicans voted against him taking action in Syria. You name 3 things that supposedly happened in 8 years. Trump has only been in office 6 mos, look at all of the scandals.
  13. Yet, i voted for Clinton, Gore and Kerry. Try again
  14. How can any reasonable person support massive cuts in Medicaid and Medicare? I think the Republican party is fed up with Trump ,and it's only been 6 mos.
  15. Now, that is funny. I probably pay more in taxes than you do
  16. Roflmbo...do you really believe that? He lies all of the time. His 3am tweets are contradictory. He nodded off during the G20 summit, someone had to wake him. (I thought he had stamina) He gave a speech, I believe in Paris. When he was talking other world leaders laughed. Didn't the Chancelor of Germany say that he is a disgrace (It might have been another country)? A lot of his administration are under investigation, because of their ties to Russia. Trump Jr met with a Russian to "get dirt" on Hilliary. His healthcare bill is a disaster. A lot of people will lose coverage. ( never mind, he couldnt garner enough votes) No one takes him seriously. The North Koreans keep testing missles despite his "stern" warnings. There is a lot more, but I am tired of typing.
  17. This explains why you are so ill-informed.
  18. Nope. I didn't like Ronald Reagan. What does that have to do with me agreeing with her assessment.of Trump? People have a right to their opinion. Don't hate
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