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Everything posted by BABOLAT2

  1. I have been to both the ETC and the Zach Carrell Tennis Academy and the level of tennis at Zach's academy is above and beyond the level of the ETC. You could put ETC's top 6 six against Zach's top six and ETC wouldn't win a match.
  2. Zach Carrell is another great coach, he doesn't teach hardly any kids around here but he has produced 4 supers, every guy that has taken lessons has become a champ sometime in their career(maybe around 20). He as 5 kids that are playing college tennis and maybe one on the way. Has had 17 state qualifiers in UIL not llike Taps where you make it to the semis in district you make it to state. No you have to be 1 or 2 in district followed by being 1 or 2 in regionals. Little harder makeing it to state in UIL.
  3. They would have made it out of regionals in 3a or 4a but probaly not 5a. Carnley and Word played a state qualifying team from 4a the day befor state. They met up with this team and just started playing a match and Carnley and Word won like 6-2 6-3. So we would never know.
  4. Dude, there is no way that Wehner is a better player than Scott. Ok ya he made 18 champs, but it took him a century to do. Scott destroyed Wehner in the consolation of the December ZAT like 6-1 6-1. As for older Word he would of also beaten Wehner. Tyler would on occasion beat Scott, so there is no way that Wehner is better than both of them. We will just have to see next year since Scott is going back to singles because Tyler graduated. As for doubles, Tyler and Scott were by far the best doubles team around here and they proved it by beating Boone and Wehner 2 out of 3 times last year.
  5. He played like at 4:30 and when I left he lost the first set 6-7(7-9) and also Salina is in the finals. So hopefully we will have 3 southeast texas kids in the finals Good luck and congratulations.
  6. Congratulations, but I would of figured she would of went to Tyler Junior College which has way better tennis facilities. She could of went there and got here basics and then transfered to Lamar, but I guess she wan't to stay at home. Congratulations.
  7. To be honest i think this year they will be better than they were last year........ but i excpect them t miss the playoff by a game......with Pesina and Williams this team will be fun to watch
  8. Gradulations to the 5 people(Lindsey Burford, Salina Aranda, Matt Deavers, Scott Carnley, and Tyler Word) who will be representing our area in state. Good luck guys and girls.
  9. Carnley and Word went and played Kelly last thursday and won 3-6 6-3 6-2, it was a great match. The kelly boys fell short in state, doubles going 1-1, bug went out on his first match and so did marshall. Good job
  10. Congradulations Deaver in both tennis and academics. Hope you excell in both regions this May. Good Luck.
  11. The year went ok, just have to wait and see what happens next year to see if the coach is going to pan out or just be a flop.
  12. Hey congradulations on your success, never heard of the college before, but congradulations. Hope you do well.
  13. I was just joking, they had morning practice and then they were heading somewhere. The Tokyo girl was there practicing for about 2 hours.
  14. I went to the district 24-2A tournament that was held wednesday and thursday at lamar. Well Lamars tennis team was there and I was like I guess they have come to recruit from this bunch of kids here.
  15. I play tennis and I do have room to bash, in the Beaumont area there is only about 5 kids who can beat me in singles, but next year you all will know me.
  16. You tell me which college he is going to play for. He might be playing in league tennis for the school which is really not the real tennis team, but just a group of tennis junkies getting together to play. JUST TELL ME THE SCHOOL
  17. Well good for them, ya I know that Cody from B.C. has already quit and if I was the coach, I would of already kicked Devin Harley off the team. This is what is said on the lamar tennis website: High School: Attended Nederland High ... Competed for Coach Jorge Lopez ... MVP both junior and senior year ... Was 1st in district his senior year and 2nd in district his junior year for Tony Buagas and Ron Wesbrooks. Thats a pretty good record. He didn't go to state, win regionals, or nothing like that and he is on a D1 team. Pathetic.
  18. You think Minick is all big and bad. Well if you say he is so good that he should of went to state last year and he was up 4-1 and the third set. Well a good player would of finished it off, but a mediocre one loses. And Minick is a mediocre player.
  19. Your right about them maybe playing DIII somewhere, they could get a academic schloarship to play tennis. I just had two of my good friends get full ride academic schloarships to play tennis at Texas Lutheran Univerisity next year. I have seen lamar play a few matches last year and would of came April 1st, but I was improving my game by playing my two good friends and others in Houston. I really glad they got the guy fomr Texas Tech, that should help them out a lot. Now with new coach, things should look better. I went one time to watch them play UTSA and I recognized one of their players who I saw play in a 18 Champ tournament. He was playing a friend of mine and the lamar kid lost and whats funny is now he is playing college tennis and my buddy didn't even get a shot anywhere.
  20. Brad Legato is a descent player and it would be one of those things where one beats the other and then the othere wins the next time. Still not that good in the whole grand of things.
  21. You say that they won every tournament they played in, well they must be playing in like 1A tournaments or like in C division. They haven't won a tournament I have been in yet and I played in all the Beaumont tournaments in the A division. I give them credit if you are true to your word. Question: Does one wear glasses and had a hurt left hand. The other one is a bigger fellow?
  22. Well ya you can, Coach Schroeder has had someone on regionals every year and last year had a doubles team in state. Zach Carrell, who you probaly don't know has had a kid in state pretty much every year and has already got 4 kids college schloarships(Matt Allen, Travis Conn, Jay Noonan, and Amy Caboto) Creamer has made HJ who they are, but who they are are not much.
  23. OMG....Look who he has to play against. Nobody, only players there are is Deavers, "BUG", Sagar, and Boone. Besides that there is no one else to give him a fight, so ya you say he is good for this area, but not for state. He doubt he makes it out of regionals, but there is some slim chance, but I know for a fact he wont place second in state
  24. We won last time and this time we have home field advantage which really means nothing but Warren 12-2
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