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Everything posted by wg88pitcher

  1. Perfect order,except for HJ being last. West Brook is finally where they need to be... number one.
  2. Brook will blow this one out of the water. Bruins win 9-1.
  3. Sorry I know what the best team in the area is and can back my statements up with facts, not some greek mythology story about how good my son used to be, and how good I used to be. By the way, I'm pretty sure you and diamond j already have windows installed......Do you guys use knee pads as well?
  4. If the Enterprise is a regional paper, then change the name and quit claiming to represent Beaumont, because there is no way in heck that has or will ever happen.
  5. Pitcher Helmke Player is Feruson From West Brook. 5 for 7 at the plate with a HR, triple, double, and two singles with 5 rbi's.
  6. 643, you need to bury your head in the sand after that last post. Absolutely ridiculous.
  7. What is the school record for Homeruns at West Brook? These guys have got to be getting close to breaking it. The Brook has droppped more bombs than Pearl Harbor this year, with David Murphy leading the way. He has 8, and 3 have been leadoff homeruns.
  8. This guy isn't a great pitching coach, but he isn't a bad one either. He knows just enough to try and act smart, but can't really tell a quality HS baseball anything that they don't know. He's a great guy and a good assistant coach, but that is all he'll be in my opinion.
  9. That is exactly what I am saying. The average pitch speed in 5a baseball is around 86-88 mph. If you can honestly tell me that pitchers in 2a come anywhere close to that, then I'll know that you are either blind or retartded. And by the way, a harder pitched baseball is going to be a harder hit baseball with more spin and decieving hops. Therefore. a ground ball is simply not a ground ball. I rest my case Dker.
  10. Hey gdickert, i don't understand why you try to reach out as far as you did in the region. From what I understand, Beaumont is the number one subsriber to the BEAUMONT enterprise, so why not cover Beaumont sports first, all beaumont sports, and then the leftover room to the out of towners. Not only does WB get robbed of coverage, but Ozen and Central as well. You should have changed the name of the paper to the enterprise, b/c right now it seems as though it should be called the region enterprise...except beaumont.
  11. Don't get me wrong, Hearn is a great ballplayer, but you just simply can not compare him and Joe Gunn(best 9 hole hitter... what a compliment) to David Murphy and Tim Ferguson of West Brook. Two d1 signees that have a chance to play in the pros, with a professional scout popping in on the West Brook games every so often. This may be a biased opinion b/c I am from beaumont, but atleast it is a truthful opinion, and seems to be the most popular one around this year.
  12. West Brook Murphy, Senior 8 Wallace, Junior 6 Ferguson, Senior 5 Serna, Senior 4 Lycan, Junior 3 Armstrong, Senior 1 Fisher, Senior 1 Total 28
  13. Games aren't won during games, they are won during practice. Jesse Kibbles, WB Pricniple.
  14. The hitting stats of a 5a player might not be as good as those of a 2a player simply b/c the pitching is much better in class 5a ball. The same goes for fielding as more slow rolling easy plays can be made on balls not hit as hard by less talented hitters. In the pros, stats aren't decieving, but in high school they can be.
  15. I am a real winner. You should have seen me in my good days. I'm definately a has been, not some gosh danged wannabe like yourself. My son learned from the best, me, not some no it all coach that didn't do anything for him.
  16. This is true, but The Entreprise should cover the most important games and events going on at the time. If there are more customers in Beaumont than anywhere else around buying the newspaper, you would think their top priority would be the Beaumont events. Just my opinion.
  17. I wasn't at the game. Sounds like the bats weren't either.
  18. Thanx, now i can go to bed. ;D
  19. Senior Josh Fisher of WB is also very talented. Has great speed, a live arm, and can swing a stick pretty well too. I see him attening a small d1 or a juco. He's a lefty that can pitch when he wants to as well.
  20. Tough loss for Silsbee tonight. I see them pulling a Bridge City and getting beaten again simply b/c their momentum is gone. If they do lose, things could fall apart down in tigger country.
  21. If you can tell me the WB score for tommorrow versus Baytown Lee, then I'll know for sure that you are the baseball God. I've got to know if WB will win or not. Help me out man.
  22. Yes, and that is in the past. I don't see any history stories on PNG, LCM, or Nederland. That is like the Houston Chronicle printing a story on the success of the Round Rock Express playoff game during the Astros World Series. (The Astros being West brook and the other three teams being Round Rock Express for the slower folks out there.)
  23. Lucky guess. ;D ;D
  24. My son is 6 feet 10 inches tall, 310 lbs, and throws 98 MPH. He pitched for Mexico City allstars two years ago, and was taken by the yankees in the 42nd round in 05. If the gall derned coaches would have did their job, he'd have already pitched in 16 world series. Gosh am I proud of him. his .966 winning percentage and 4, 239 strikeouts were the most in the Arizona Sunny side up's brief history. Wish you could have seen him play. He was AWSOME!!!. ;D ;D ;D 8) ;D ;D
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