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Everything posted by fox

  1. that did not last long. looks like fitzpatrick is back.
  2. where is tony brown. i haven't seen him at all during the bama game?
  3. seems like he has heard that one before. lol
  4. LOL typical aggies always blaming others for their loses.
  5. fox


    sooooooooo typical.
  6. the pride and joy of A&M.   he represents them well.
  7. what did you expect?
  8. read the whole story. it has to do with the law suit that was filed which is being appealed.     [Hidden Content]
  9. i feel sorry for UL monroe next week  :rolleyes:
  10. cameras protect people. why do you think the police wear personal cameras now days.  it keeps people from making false claims and all the he said she said BS.     if he is being allusive it will be documented and vice versa.   sounds like you are upset because he has caught people violating rules on camera.
  11. you are the type of person the police talk about at the end of shift……smh
  12. yes because coaches get and lose jobs depending on their varsity record.   coaches don't lose their job because the freshman team went 0-10. you don't put on a resume i coached the 8th grade B team to a district title.   you don't keep underclassmen off varsity so your JV can win district(well maybe lumberton does :P  ).   so in reality only time winning matters is at the varsity level. like i said it is nice to win at any level but not required.
  13. please tell me what i said that was out of line?
  14. threads like this are entertaining and sad at the same time.   a bunch of dads trying to live through their kids.   at their age you should be teaching the kids fundamentals and developing all the kids instead of worrying about the score. yes it is nice to win but not necessary. no one really cares who won some youth league 2 years from now.   what is funny is most the kids who are big stars in the youth leagues are early bloomers. once the other kids catch up to them or out grow them they are nobodies.     only time winning matters is varsity ball. everything else is instructional league.
  15. this is what you get when you have a society that believes the government owes them.
  16. looks like another may follow. [Hidden Content]
  17. you are right no probation violation but she still can not lie on a government document.    from your link: read the last sentence   From D.A.'s Office: Criminal District Attorney Cory Crenshaw releases the following statement: Following the jury trial and conviction of Jessie Haynes earlier this year for Obstructing a Passageway, she timely filed a notice of appeal.  While her appeal is pending, she is not subject to conditions of probation under Texas law.  Documents were filed in accordance with standard procedure in her case concerning an alleged violation of her probation.  Due to the fact that her appeal is still pending and has not been finalized, the District Attorney’s Office promptly filed a motion to dismiss her alleged violations of probation and the court granted the motion.  Any alleged criminal activity contained within the probation violation will be investigated as a separate matter.   
  18. KFDM obtained paperwork as part of the motion, including statements from two people at a church where Haynes reported 27 hours of community service at a church food pantry. Haynes provided the Probation Department with a copy of a brochure and newsletter that she created for the food pantry, work linked to her community service.   The statements indicated Haynes did not complete the hours of service.   on probation or not has nothing to do with it. she told the courts she did 27 hours of community service when she did not.   [Hidden Content]   37.10. TAMPERING WITH GOVERNMENTAL RECORD. (a) A person commits an offense if he: (1) knowingly makes a false entry in, or false alteration of, a governmental record; (2) makes, presents, or uses any record, document, or thing with knowledge of its falsity and with intent that it be taken as a genuine governmental record;
  19. l wonder if they are going to file on her for tampering/falsifying government records?    [Hidden Content]  
  20. i guess you miss the sarcasm.   :)
  21. why do they keep picking on her…………….
  22. i wonder if some people made some phone calls.
  23. looks like shaggy may have found a new job. i wonder if he will take haynes with him since she just got fired.   [Hidden Content]
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