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Everything posted by fox

  1. these people are as crazy as alfred's people.   as much as i hate drug dealers i do think he is getting screwed but he can thank alfred's people for that.   sounds like he cooperated with authorities and it seems like they would of gave him some type of protection.
  2. wow it is funny watching them try to spin this before any facts are heard.   look at trayvon martin and alfred wright cases. when the facts came out it was nothing like what was spun by the media.
  3. everybody is laughing at BISD…………... B)
  4. they will melt them down.
  5. funny how they are already trying to link this to the trayvon martin case.  
  6. same money.  TAXPAYERS
  7. well his family got what they wanted. in the process found out things i am sure they did not want to know.   this has sure made MANY people look like idiots.
  8. just goes to prove how the news can change a story.  where are all the race baiters now?
  9. the lady who parked her BMW and jumped from the rainbow bridge worked for BISD. it makes you wonder.
  10. more paper clips…...   [Hidden Content]
  11. hmmmmm……….   [Hidden Content]
  12. WOW…. racism at its finest…..
  13. the link you posted said 6 charges
  14. it would not surprise me.
  15. wouldn't that boost lamars football program.
  16. things are fixen to get real crazy.  :D  :P
  17. you notice that none of them are chiming in now.
  18. welcome to the PURGE……….
  19. [Hidden Content]   Crenshaw, who asked the Jefferson County Commissioners Court this week for additional funds to hire a forensic accountant, said he believes fraud in the school district extends back at least to 2007 when BISD began its $388.6 million bond project.   ​hello mr thomas………...
  20. here comes the BOOM…...
  21. looks like a good day for baseball…..
  22. he is going to play basketball with lebron…...
  23.   didn't they lose the first two games of the tournament this weekend?
  24. happy juneteenth to all……….
  25. nope not anymore but i do still keep up with local talent.   so no i am not a butt hurt parent.
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