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Everything posted by fox

  1. looks like favoritism is still alive in well at nederland babe ruth.
  2. racism at its best.    it is really funny to listen to several who regularly post defend people like this.   these are the same people who said BISD problems would not effect the kids.   blinded by racism 
  3. good luck to all the innocent people suffering from the actions of these criminals.
  4. hope he got lots of uses out of it because it does not look like it will be available in the future from BISD.
  5. looks like you believe in double standards. 
  6. SETXsports it was a typo but i guess i did that because i was "being stupid"   twist is anyway you want to make you feel better.   bottom line is i was offended therefore it is offensive by todays standards………….
  7. sooo what is the true issue then??????
  8. wow name calling by sextsports staff……   isn't that against the rules???? why should i expect anything  less
  9. WOW 24 pages bashing a human with a mentally handicapping disease…..CLASSY.
  10. when your childish aggie fans stop using names to refer to UT you might not get the "typical" response or is it just "typical" butt hurt aggie fans   5 big 12 teams made the regionals 4 moved on. 10 SEC teams made the regionals 2 moved on. how much is the SEC loving vandy and ole miss today…….
  11. the attorney was trying to protect the district from the law suit that is coming
  12. it will be a good thing when he is referred to by his inmate number…...
  13. isn't twin county PONY ball and not LITTLE LEAGUE?
  14. racism at its finest.
  15. this says otherwise. as long as he steps toward second he can feint he does not have to throw. now he is off the rubber and can do what he wants. only base you can not feint to is first.    failing to step with the non-pivot foot directly toward a base (occupied or unoccupied) when throwing or feinting there in an attempt to put out, or drive back a runner; or throwing or feinting to any unoccupied base when it is not an attempt to put out or drive back a runner;
  16. i always find it amusing when people make up their own rules when it is in black and white.
  17. from the case book.   6.2.4 SITUATION A: With R1 on third and R2 on first, F1 stretches and comes set. He then swings his entire nonpivot foot behind the back edge of the pitcher’s plate, steps toward second and (a) throws the ball to second in an attempt to retire R2, who is advancing there or (b) feints throw to second to drive R2 back to first, who has neither attempted nor feinted an advance to second. RULING: In (a), this is legal. In (b), it is a balk.
  18. when in doubt read the rule yourself. there are a lot of umpires that don't know the rules also.   ART. 4 . . . Balk. If there is a runner or runners, any of the following acts by a pitcher while he is touching the pitcher’s plate is a balk: a. any feinting toward the batter or first base, or any dropping of the ball (even though accidental) and the ball does not cross a foul line (6-1-4); b. failing to step with the non-pivot foot directly toward a base (occupied or unoccupied) when throwing or feinting there in an attempt to put out, or drive back a runner; or throwing or feinting to any unoccupied base when it is not an attempt to put out or drive back a runner; c. making an illegal pitch from any position (6-1, 6-2-1a-d); d. failing to pitch to the batter in a continuous motion immediately after any movement of any part of the body such as he habitually uses in his delivery; 1. If the pitcher, with a runner on base, stops or hesitates in his delivery because the batter steps out of the box (a) with one foot or (b) with both feet or (c) holds up his hand to request “Time,” it shall not be a balk. In (a) and (c), there is no penalty on either the batter or the pitcher. The umpire shall call “Time” and begin play anew. In (b), a strike shall be called on the batter for violation of 7-3-1. In (a), (b) and (c), if the pitcher legally delivers the ball, it shall be called a strike and the ball remains live. Thus, two strikes are called on the batter in (b). If the umpire judges the batter’s action to be a deliberate attempt to create a balk, he will penalize according to 3-3-1o. e. taking a hand off the ball while in a set position (6-1-3), unless he pitches to the batter or throws to a base or he steps toward and feints a throw to second or third base as in (b); or f. failing to pitch to the batter when the entire non-pivot foot passes behind the perpendicular plane of the back edge of the pitcher’s plate, except when feinting or throwing to second base in an attempt to put out a runner
  19. it is funny to watch the some of the BIGGEST raciest on this board  talk about race for 11+ pages…..
  20. why would that be a balk?   ART. 4 . . . Balk. If there is a runner or runners, any of the following acts by a pitcher while he is touching the pitcher’s plate is a balk: a. any feinting toward the batter or first base, or any dropping of the ball (even though accidental) and the ball does not cross a foul line (6-1-4); b. failing to step with the non-pivot foot directly toward a base (occupied or unoccupied) when throwing or feinting there in an attempt to put out, or drive back a runner; or throwing or feinting to any unoccupied base when it is not an attempt to put out or drive back a runner
  21. YES SIR…….
  22. which means when translated: you caught me in another lie so i don't want to talk to "you people"………….
  23. there is a point when everyone has to abandon ship……..
  24. for someone who is suppose to be in class teaching kids you sure do spend a lot of time on the computer during class time.
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