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  1. Best season ever for KP softball. That being said, winning covers up a lot of problems. Let me preface my little rant I am about to go on. I am the parent of a player. I love my daughter and this will be only somewhat objective. The young ladies in this program won 27 games this season in spite of a regime that believes in intimidation, negativity, verbal abuse and mind games to name a few little nuggets. Now, I am old school. I believe if a student-athlete isn't doing their job, get in their kitchen. A little butt chewing is a good thing when warranted. However, when a coach makes it personal, that is when it is a problem. You can coach up a kid without berating them. The talent level at KPark has been proven. I cannot imagine what they could do if they had a coach that actually cared about the athletes success and not their own personal glory. I have been deeply involved with this program for several years and have finally reached the breaking point. Held my tongue hoping it would change. It has only gotten worse. Case in point. This past Wednesday was our softball banquet. Coach was recognizing the team. She failed to recognize one of the seniors, with the other seniors. Now mind you, this young lady is playing college ball next year, so she is no slouch. The young lady was devestated. It is things like this and numerous others that have finally come to a boiling point. There are young ladies on this team that have quit to play other sports, just to not be around the head coach. I know some will say, " sour grapes!" This rant is not that. I have coached and been around travel ball fort close to 20 years. There is a right way and a wrong way to coach. KPark is doing it the wrong way! Hopefully the administration will have the backbone to do something about it. If you read all of this, thanks! I tend to get a little long winded! Good luck to the remaining teams in the playoffs!
  2. I don't think I have seen a game called so badly in my 20 plus years of watching fast pitch softball!
  3. Santa Fe 5 KPark 3 final game 2. Game 3 @ 6 pm tomorrow. We seriously have some dumb coaches. SMH! Good luck tomorrow KP! Win it in spite of what you have to deal with!
  4. I didn't say 2 years in a row. I believe it happened in 2014. Either way, all 4 are moving on this year.
  5. Yes, Nederland was district champ in 22-5A. 21-5A swept the Bi-district round, again!
  6. KPark 5 Splendors 4 KPark in the playoffs! Great game by both trams
  7. KPark 23 Lee 0 senior night! Congrats to our 6 seniors. all 6 will be playing softball at the collegiate level!
  8. KPark 9 Dayton 4
  9. KP 11 Porter 0
  10. KPark 14 New Caney 1
  11. KPark 12 Humble 2
  12. Manvel not big. One girl at 5'10. Very good outside shooting. Not much of an inside game.
  13. Great hard fought game by both teams.
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