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  • Birthday 05/04/1972
  1. Can you tell us a little more about your organization. Who will be the coaches for the 16U team? What tournaments will you plan on attending? Any showcase? How big of a roster do you plan on having? Thanks, Mona
  2. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^hahahahahahahahahahahaha^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ..........................Get a clue............................ This is the reason the list is so long ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^hahahahahahahahaha^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Go back and compete in league and save your money...........All-stars need love too......... :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
  3. [quote name="Be Smart" post="1419348" timestamp="1374003832"] No Sir, We do not. But who is going to make that call. It should be the coach I know. But what makes you or me as coach have that right . I never once played the game of fast pitch softball. Raised my kids in it. Be coaching it for over twenty years. been throw softball camps all over the place. But what still give me that right. It is one thing and only one thing kids and their parent that play for me. So I do know where you are going with this please do not do it. You are for sure going to make some people mad if you do. [/quote] What? Really confused by your response. Could you clarify?
  4. You forgot: Smack Attack Mid-County Chargers
  5. What is the name of your team?
  6. I think the bigger organizations will be posting in a week or two about tryouts.
  7. Mid County MOJO 02 10u softball team is looking to add one player to finish the spring season. We are also holding open practices from now until the fall season for any players that would like to come workout/ tryout with the team. We are a 02 team that will be moving to 12u for the fall, so any players eligable for 12u are also welcome to come tryout. For more information or practice times please call or text Casey Maxwell at 409-540-6069.
  8. I am just starting out to but what I have found out I hope can be hlepful. *Keep looking on here for tryouts *Call the coaches and ask them what positions they are really looking for *what is the coaches experience, how long have they coached, where, and their record *what level is the team (player development or studs) *how much does the team cost *where will they be playing (local or out of town) Have your daughter go practice with the teams and see which one she likes and fits. Initially-talk to the parents, ask lots of questions about the team. And whatever team your daughter does make, dont tell your business to the other parents. (Keep your business off the street) Be a positive mom to all the girls and cheer even when they are losing 20-1. Continue practicing in the yard with your daughter and taking her to batting lessons, pitching (?), anything to help her succeed.
  9. Soooo thanks everyone for all the helpful idea's ;)
  10. I am looking for good fundraising ideas for my DD softball team. Thanks in advance for the help. Hope to hear from you soon.  :)
  11. Softball Tips - Downtime is Necessary Guest post by Ken Krause, Life in the Fastpitch Lane blog I am a big believer in taking some downtime after the season to just unwind, relax, and heal both physically and mentally. While that might seem like heretical to some people, it really is important. Even Marc Dagenais says so. Some people don't like the idea of shutting down for a while. They're afraid their players/daughters will lose all the gains they've made, or will fall behind the others if they take even a couple of weeks off. Poppycock! (How often do you get to use THAT word in a sentence these days?) The softball season can be a long grind, especially for high school-age players, many of whom start in March with tryouts for school and don't finish until the end of July/beginning of August. That's five months of softball practice or games nearly every day, including a summer filled with tournaments. No matter how much you love the game, that type of schedule can become mind-numbing after a while. To jump from there immediately into prep for the next season, when you'll do it all over again, really isn't good for anyone. It's really part of our whole human cycle. We need breaks on a regular basis to recharge both the body and the spirit. That's what sleep is all about. How many times have you had a bad day, or been puzzled by a serious issue that you can't solve? We all experience it. And how many times, after a good night's sleep, do we find rejuvenation in a new day or a solution that pops into our brains? It happens all the time. That's what that little quiet period of separation does. Taking time off after the season does the same thing, only over a longer time period. Nagging injuries, such as sore arms, heel spurs, tired muscles, etc. get a chance to rest and rebuild without the stress of constant use. More importantly, the brain gets a chance to rest and think about other things — sort of like clearing the palate after a course in a fancy restaurant. As good as that course was you want to be sure you're prepared for the next. Will you (or your daughter) miss it? Ache for it? Maybe. But even that's good. The enforced time off will rebuild the enthusiasm that can get lost in a long season, which means that when you do resume workouts sometime in September it will be with more energy and a fresh start. Will your softball conditioning go down? Sure. But that's ok, you have a long time before you need it to be at peak efficiency. Besides, maybe the break will give you time to look into some new workouts instead of going right back to the old ones. A key principle of weight lifting and conditioning is changing things up on a regular basis because once the body gets used to a workout its benefits diminish. You'll have time to find some fresh approaches to keep it interesting and keep the body and mind moving forward. So kick back, relax, and just chill for a while. It may be tough after being in softball mode for so long. But ultimately both your body and your mind will thank you for the break. Anyway, that's the way I see it.
  12. Have you checked with any of the teams in the area? If you look at the message board, you will see who is still looking. Is her team she played with last year still looking for girls? I would contact them.
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