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Everything posted by Ruckdad

  1. None of this is worth fisticuffs over. However, I am always up for a good debate between people with differeing views. I am chooisng to believe that is what Dickie V wants - because no good comes from physical violence. Dr. King felt that way too.
  2. He's from Raleigh, NC... and committed to Kentucky.... WOW!!! The person who is kicking himself is Roy Williams. quote me----UK is now pre-season top 5, maybe #1. that's what I'm thinking... how does NC and Roy with all their tradition, etc. not land him? I don't think NC was a major player for this kid. His next choices were Duke, Miami and Florida.
  3. Anybody noticing what Coach Cal is doing over in the Bluegrass State these days. Today, John Wall (PG) - the #1 recruit in the country committed to Kentucky. He also has 5* recruits DeMarcus Cousins (PF), Daniel Orton ©, and PG Eric Bledsoe. Add to that group 4* recruits Jon Hood and Danrell Dodson and many are calling this the greatest recruiting class ever.
  4. Utah - almost hands down - that place is crazy for their basketball
  5. There were plenty of people concerned about WMDs in Iraq long before W got involved: President Clinton (1998): "One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line." Former Secretary of State Madeline Albright, (February 1998): "Iraq is a long way from here, but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face." Al Gore (2002) said, "We know that he has stored secret supplies of biological and chemical weapons throughout his country." Senator Ted Kennedy (2002) said, "We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction." Senator John Kerry, Democratic presidential frontrunner said (2002), "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force - if necessary - to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." In January 2003, Kerry added, "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. . . . He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. . . . And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real." Furthermore, Saddam did have WMDs as late as 1998. The UN was doing inspections of his arms and munitions and Saddam was not cooperating. Clinton - for 8 years - did nothing as Saddam spit in the face of the UN inspectors. Then a president with a back bone decided it was time to do something.
  6. That's not a legitimate excuse. If an attorney thinks the other side has struck some jurors for racially motivated reasons, he makes what is called a Batson challenge. then the other attorney has to cite specific non-racially motivated reasons why that juror was struck. Has happened to me and my boss at trial and each juror we struck was struck because of some answers they gave that led us to believe they would be unfairly sympathetic to the other side.
  7. I think one of their goals is to make it known that people are aware and watching the progress of the case and won't tolerate any shoddy investigations. Sometimes it's just a necessity to keep a good fix on a potential problem. It is what it is! It is what it is and your sugarcoating it. Crackdealer X is a thug, racist, no two ways about it. Don't try to put lipstick on a pig. Isn't he an ex-crack dealer? Thug? And how is he a racist? Courtesy of thetragichippy: Yeah I don't like #10. Has the feeling of a separtist movement. So you believe that all African Americans should be exempt from taxation, the draft (if it should ever be reinstated), and that all black criminals should be released from their prison cells and put back on the streets, simply because they're black? The idea of Texas's separation from the US was not racially motivated, it was motivated by a big, overbearing, overspending government and the losses of states' rights and firearm rights. It says "should be exempt from ALL TAXATION as long as we are deprived of equal justice......." And if you are referring to Texas' separation back to the Civil War, please don't spread such lies. I was not referring to Texas' secession during the Civil War. I was referring to the recent calls for secession during the "tea parties." So, again, you agree that African Americans should be exempt from taxation? Because of the lack of "equal justice"? Well, then why don't we all just stop filing our taxes? Justice is decided by the jury, and the government does its absolute best to make sure that a fair jury is provided. Isn't that why the lawyers question the jurors and then must approve their placement in the jury before the trial begins? It seems to me that this failsafe would prevent the practice of unequal justice. He's gonna say a white appointed attorney would not be fair representing a black person. : Then why is it that Jefferson County is about 45% African American and your jury selection don't represent your population? A lot of that has to do with potential juror turnout, as well as other factors like registered voters, drivers licenses, etc.
  8. You don't like Pallilo on 790 in the afternoon. To me, he is the most knowledgeable guy around this area and I love listening to him.
  9. Wandy is throwing as good as anyone in MLB for the 1st month of the season. Berkman has got to get it going. His starting very slow each year is becoming a trend. Berkman started off last year smoking hot. I think he got up to .400 at the time of the first Silver Boot series against the Rangers. He tailed off after that though.
  10. I was there too AJ and it reminded me of why he was such a great player and my favorite all-time.
  11. Again - Sb1 - It's not Lamar Beaumont - It's Lamar University - That drives me crazy.
  12. My favorite is not even on the list - the game ending DP in Game 4 of the 2005 NLDS against the Cards. Then I would say the Burke HR Biggio's last at bat Kent's HR Those are mine.
  13. Well on their way to a 100 loss season. Good to be a Stros fan! Whant have you done to be a champion today Uncle Drayton?
  14. Lazeek - you get smited for having a St. Louis Cardinals logo on your profile
  15. Beaumont's own David Murphy started at 1B for the Coogs and did damage going 3 for 4 with a run scored and an RBI.
  16. Well now we are getting into what this team's main problem has been over the last few years. Tim purpura. I have said all along that it was going to take a long time to get from under the mess that Timmy P left behind. We have the worst rated farm system in the majors, a lck of quality startin gpitching, no legitimate leadoff man and only two - maybe three - quality offensive players. The drafts that Timmy P was in charge of were dreadful and Ed Wade has done more in his one draft than Timmy P did in four or five.
  17. This has never been a strength of Pudge's game. He does not call a good game and does nothing (save his arm throwing out would be stealers) to enhance a pitching staff. My point was that if Ausmus, who arguably was one of the best game callers in recent time, couldn't get more out of this staff - How is Pudge?
  18. Isn't that what Ausmus wsa supposed to do? That hasn't worked the last few years. I hope it works out, but I don't think this aquisition puts them any closer to the playoffs.
  19. I'm not convinced that he will hit over the Mendoza line. Look at what he did with the Yankees last year.
  20. If this was 1999 it would have been a great move
  21. Down 19 at the half - fully expected the season to be over. Singletary became the player Tech fans had been hoping for last night. Now we have a tough test tonight against Mizzou. Maybe we can keep the magic going.
  22. See - I'm already getting ahead of myself. We are 2-4 at home inconference. UTA is two games better than us in conference. We lose two this week and that pretty much ends our season.
  23. Allright guys. Let's not get oer our own heads here. The win at Sam was nice and NW STate just isn't very good. I don't see us even being competitive on the road against a good UTSA team. Lamar loses by double digits and never really in the game in the second half. Is Dawkins available for Wednesday night?
  24. Second half of the season sets up to be very tough. Likely can't rely on a 2nd half surge this year, and the team is notoriously slow starting. If under .500 at the All-Star break, bad news. My official projection is 76-86.
  25. Lose by 12. The Sam game was a flash in the pan.
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