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AthleticSupporter - Jock

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Everything posted by AthleticSupporter - Jock

  1. We are spoiled to not having to sit in traffic. If you lived and worked in Houston or Dallas, you wouldn't have thought as much about that 32 mins. And believe me, I loved attending last year at Reliant, but from a business perspective, you would have to be brain-dead to not have it at AT&T every year. It's there to stay. End of story.
  2. Good game to both teams. Keep working hard Lady Raiders. We'll get em next time.
  3. Bigcam, you think we should add a couple dozen more spots on this team so everybody can get a trophy? Lol
  4. Exactly. When I was on it, there was no plaque or dinner. And the newspaper clipping probably was used to start a fire in the fireplace. Get over it people. Quit being a bunch of whiney babies! LOL
  5. BH vs Dayton can soon be settled on the court. Sort of the same way BH vs Legacy was decided. Would you agree?
  6. I wouldn't throw those predictions out just yet. Still a LOT of games to be played and Central is a good team. But this was a great win for the Lady Raiders. Thanks Jag insider and good luck to the Lady Jags. I hope you win the rest of your games except the one in Lumberton.
  7. 1st 16-10 Lumberton Half 22-20 Central 3rd 31-30 Central Final 46-42 Lumberton
  8. Reagan is not very bright and you are wasting your breath debating with him or her
  9. According to your logic, Euless Trinity is not a very good team because they lost in the 1st round this year. Is that what you are saying?
  10. Roschon will be a better passer than Hurts. Hurts is a great runner that can also throw it a little. Roschon will be the most complete, balanced dual-threat in his class. A better comparison is to Watson at Clemson.
  11. That's why we go ahead and play these games. Makes that Memorial loss a little easier to swallow.
  12. Prayers for his family.
  13. Awesome story! Thanks for sharing that
  14. Dubois is a goner for sure. No wait. He should be OK because his camera was not "installed". It makes me wonder, would the WB coach still be in trouble if he had an assistant coach stand "hidden" in the corner with a cell phone recording the locker room thief? Would that have been OK or does that fall under the NappyRoots "installed" criteria?
  15. What are your thoughts on this video that went viral a few weeks ago? Should the adult player that shot this video and posted it online be held criminally responsible? Arrested? Loss of scholarship? What would you think would be appropriate? And how does this kind of video compare to a coach snapping a video of an empty locker room to catch a thief? [Hidden Content]
  16. Installed? What qualifies as an installation?
  17. There are hundreds of video cameras in every locker room, every day across the country. These days, we call them cellular phones.
  18. This is one of those cases where maybe 2 wrongs do make a right. How many times has a criminal who takes advantage of children or elderly gone to jail and got their arse whipped or worse? I don't know anyone who feels sympathy for or sides with the predator who got his arse beat in jail. It's just the only way justice can be served at times. By whatever means necessary. I support the coach's intentions. His heart is in the right place. He made a mistake. Let's not crucify him for it.
  19. Vidor's freshman are good but heck they were all shaving at 10-11 years old.
  20. Expelled or parents fined for illegally obtained video. Man, a lawyer would have a field day with that. And I would love to hear that conversation with the thief's parent(s). Seriously Soulja? Come on man!
  21. I hope you are right but sub-varsity is a heck of a lot different than Friday Night Lights. No comparison.
  22. How will he be dealt with? Street justice? Administration already showed they didn't give a isht. So, if we are supporting street justice, isn't that what the coach did? He did what he had to do to protect the sheep from the wolf. It's not always pretty how the protection has to take place.
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