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Everything posted by oldschool2

  1. Region 4 hasn't been worth a crap in basketball since Shaq was in high school. Also... Cole hasn't seen anything like what they saw with Kountze all year. Probably ever.
  2. The small/big split should've been done so as districts. Honestly, if they're dead set on doing it that way, they should have created the football districts the way they currently do... and then just said that those were the districts for every sport. Doing it this way, there are examples where the "small" schools that made the playoffs in one district are bigger than the "big" schools that made it in others. What a joke. Small school champions and big school school champions? Ok.. fine.. just make the football districts the districts for every sport.
  3. Recruit.. ? ..
  4. No argument here.
  5. [Hidden Content]
  6. Probably because, "Zero and I mean Zero political savvy. Very blunt and speaks his mind. He has expectations and refuses to bend on any. I have no inside knowledge to the situation at West Hardin but I would venture a guess that he rubbed the wrong person the wrong way." I have no idea if this is the case.. but this is a 100% SeTx (and most of rural schools) virus. I have zero sympathy for schools that run off good people for not being able to handle some possible hurt feelings.
  7. Geographic proximity.. relative competitiveness between the teams (not usually historically lopsided).. historical conflict(s).. a lot of community hype.. I'm sure there's a lot of definitions and characteristics.
  8. New coach should be fine. Just leave a copy of the lineup on the supt's desk before the game. Just to make sure.
  9. It was never proven to me.. nor will it ever be I'm sure.. what the actual reason was that BH and Abseck parted ways. If it was due to Sup. overreach for whatever reason, then I would love to see Lufkin beat the brakes off of BH. Simply because I'm petty.. and love when people come out positively from wrongful situations. Especially coaches. Few things are as satisfying than seeing a coach that's been fired go on to success. If not the case.. meh. I don't have a dog in the fight. Either way, congrats on the Lufkin job.
  10. (Joe Lombard has entered the conversation)
  11. Photograph of the BH superintendent applauding his own crafty, managerial moves regarding the football team.
  12. In the grand scheme of things, what's really the difference in 50 G's? In a school district like BH where school budgets are in the multiple millions, 50K is a fraction of a fraction. And if it's going to be the difference in enticing a proven successful name, then why not? Especially knowing that BH could end up jumping in class and potentially having a bigger obstacle to overcome because of it. Or.. the school could admit that BH might struggle in football and pinch pennies on 1 of many admin salaries. But then when BH goes somewhere between 3-7 and 5-5 (possibly), the mob will just say that they should've spent money and gotten a "better coach". Double edged sword. It's already not going to help that there's a rumor circulating about the previous coach leaving partly because of issues with the superintendent's kid and playing time. I have no idea if there's any truth to any of that.. even partially. But perception is reality. And the reality is seeming a lot like typical parent issues, exacerbated because of a school employee in a position of power that happens to be a parent. Who in the world would want to jump into that situation? Unless it was financially worth it to them.
  13. Is it safe to assume that you didn't read anything past the part of my response that you quoted? And no worries.. even if I were in the profession, I'm not the type of personality that would end up with a job at the type of school that's partial to kids of administrators getting to play... simply for being an administrator's kid. In fact, it would likely come up during an interview that I'd play kids based on their ability to help the team win games. Assuming that they all adhered to the team standards. Like being present.. on time.. studious.. you know. The things that some might ignore. Anyway.. that would probably take me out of the ring.
  14. BH wouldn't be a good job right now. I know they'll be able to throw some money at whoever, and have nice facilities. But.. the helicopter parents situation will be a fraction of the problem that going 6A is going to be. Coaches that are used to winning a lot of games and making deep runs aren't going to be happy with going 3-7 and missing the playoffs. Which is about what I predict when BH starts playing with Northshore and friends.
  15. Who is responsible for running off a person after either directly or indirectly hiring said person.. for believing to know more than the person being run off about a job that the person was hired to do.. and does for a living? A. Superintendent B. School Board Member(s) C. Parent(s) D. All of the above E. That never happens. I'm going with D.
  16. I have no affiliation to PNG or any other school in the SeTx coverage area.
  17. Fine.. just make every single transfer sit a year for varsity competition. Regardless of the reason. That should show who's actually changing schools for academic reasons.
  18. Several schools did about how one would expect. Silsbee's run was surprising after finding out how many was lost from the year before. I was probably the most surprised by Hardin. I would've lost money on just about everything related to their season. One win away from T2. Playoffs in general. Performance vs. Westwood. All completely unexpected. Similar sentiment.. I was surprised that Anahuac didn't even make the playoffs. In a district that weak.. one would figure that Anahuac would've had the guns to at least get in.
  19. Hard to bet against this level of deep game experience. I'm pulling for you WV... but I say Gunter by 3+ scores.
  20. I really think that relocation is the equalizer. Physically moving.. changing your family's permanent address. Change of employment. How is the state going to tell a student/family that the only reason they did that was for athletic benefit. Even if it was.. if it's verbally said and signed that it wasn't, then that's it. A parent can simply say that they couldn't afford to live in their previous location. Which may be true. Using a secondary address... "living" with a relative... sure. Red flags.
  21. Here's where the issue is going to be. Actually.. just one of the issues. What if the parents buy a house in that district because it was more affordable? Or better living conditions? You already mentioned work. What if they didn't get along with a teacher / school employee / other students ? I'm playing devil's advocate here and I'm telling you that if a family uproots and moves, UIL better be careful determining why or why not that happened. "I know your dad took a job in Northshore, and y'all sold your house, and hired a moving company, and bought a house in Northshore, but your son's previous school has a way better academic rating so you guys obviously did all that for athletic purposes." I'm just saying... slippery slope.
  22. There are a lot of assumptions made here that just because a student transfers schools, they were recruited. Maybe it was a personal choice for the kid or their parents.. If I had a kid that was a stud (insert sport) why wouldn't I look into potentially relocating to a district where their talents could be better showcased? Or get access to more team success. If I had a kid that wasn't receiving the education I thought they should be getting, I could move them to wherever I want.. Using whatever means I have access to. If that meant commuting to work or buying a house somewhere else.. try to stop me. Nothing has to be justified here.. by anyone. Other than establishing that said student/athlete did not move for athletic purposes according the the PAPF. "Homegrown" kids was prevalent when schools, school facilities, and school programs offered were on a more even playing field. Those days are done. Money has 100% extremely progressed some schools and left others in the dust. The state can't stop kids from changing schools. The state can't stop parents from taking jobs in a different city than their current address. The state can't stop grown adults from establishing residency somewhere other than where they currently live. Any of the aforementioned can happen for whatever reason the affected parties decide.
  23. I have a close friend that has been coaching for several years.. including a short time in SeTx.. who says, "Life ends south of Hwy 7" when referring to why this area is seemingly behind.
  24. Ya know.. just because a school is open enrollment doesn't mean that they have to accept ANY out of district student that tries to enroll. In fact, most schools check things such as testing history, attendance, discipline, etc.. And even allow students to enroll on a "conditions based" agreement. Open enrollment doesn't mean just let whoever wants to come show up and stay. If Lumberton is truly a closed enrollment campus, they may truly be missing out on some good students. What's the point of making you school into an educational facility where everybody wants to go to school, if you're going to limit who goes to school to who happens to live in the district?
  25. Many schools are open enrollment nowadays for financial reasons. More students = more money from the state.
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