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Everything posted by Cougar14.2

  1. You just have to let Ag run with it. If it doesn't smell like fertilizer they don't know much about it. Texas tries to hire a 3 time state champion coach and there's a conspiracy, yet Chad Morris wins three or four titles in a row at Lake Travis and him taking a Tulsa job is seen as an upgrade, not some backhanded way to get Garrett Gilbert to sign. Better yet Briles leave the Stephenville job for UH and nobody has a problem when Kendall transfers from Texas. Corby Meekins and Claude Mathis leave two of the premier talent producing programs in Texas to go coach in the American Athletic Conference and they're viewed as great hires around the state. Heck, even Gus Malzhan was coaching high school less than a decade ago but I guess since he's in the SEC it doesn't matter. Charlie is doing what any good coach would do, he's trying to get the best fit/recruiter he could for his staff. Why not grab a guy much like Mathis who knows the ins and outs of DFW recruiting? Oh yeah, in the process they're going to triple his salary also. Ag doesn't see it like that though, they think Texas is buying recruits now. Ag might be the next Hail State when they tried to recruit Cam Newton. They tried to tell on Auburn for buying Cam, when the NCAA asked how they knew they basically said ". . . Because we tried to pay him first". Pretty sad, Ag leaves the Big 12 for the SEC and the IQ goes up in both conferences. Smh.
  2. Yeah, all he would have to do is ask Tannehill about it. If he called Vince or Colt all they would have is stories about national championship and BCS games. If that wouldn't be enough he could ask Charlie for the last 5 star qb's number he coached, that Bridgewater kid. He could ask what it feels like to run a pro style offense that translates directly to the NFL instead of running something that causes you teammates to call you a "joke" once you get to the league. Then he could tell Kevin I'll give you a defense better than the one my two first round picks at Loisville played on, the type of defenses that don't produce busts like DeMontre Moore. I bet Kyler's dad wouldn't have went to A&M if Texas had offered, his uncle Calvin did get and offer and chose the Horns instead.
  3. You do know that the top teams in your mighty SEC west all lost in their bowl games with most being dominated right? You did see the 42-3 beating TCU handed out to Ole Miss right? For the second straight year Bama was beat down by either OU or Ohio State. Miss St. got it handed it to them by a bunch of 3 star kids running the triple option. I think the SEC gave up about 40 per game this bowl season. Recruits will realize that all A&M will be is what they've always been which is a middle of the road program that has a good year every now and then. You can pitch a the SEC stuff you want but when recruits see you get beat down 59-0 on national tv then the smart ones will realize it's a lot easier to win at other places in the state. Three good recruiting classes and the record has still slipped each year. You can keep saying how tough the SEC is but all the kids see is the record getting worse each year.
  4. I believe he just said they wouldn't lose to Dayton and he was correct. Heard his son caught a 79 yard TD over #6 to answer Dayton's td after they scored first.
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