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  1. Hey Coach,  Give the ball to BCoogs kid more and he will think you are great lol.  Let me guess, he is probably one of the other backs that "have the speed to get outside".  Keep on keepin on coogs, you are having a great year.
  2. Great Coach  Even better man    Congrats on your 100th win, you certainly deserve it.  I have been close to the program for several years and can tell you he teaches his players far more than baseball.  Keep it up T-Hawk.
  3. Pitchers typically dont start games but every 4 days or so, however, they do work between starts. It is not uncommon for a pitcher to throw a couple of bullpen sessions between starts just to keep sharp. I feel it is alot worse on a pitcher to start on one day and then start another game a couple days later than it is to pitch in a double header where you can stay loose during the 30 minute delay. I think this happens more than you think with smaller schools, but what do I know.
  4. I have known Coach Will for a long time and coached with him for several years. I can assure you that he would NEVER do anything to jeopardize a players health. He was without a doubt keeping a close eye on the young man to make sure he was ok. Good Luck Rebs from Buna land!!!
  5. Don't be bitter hitman!!! Maybe your team will make the playoffs next year.
  6. I think doing away with this thread is a great idea. I'm from Buna and have been associated with Buna baseball for quite some time. Reading posts like the ones on here make me sick. Buna had a great run last year and we are certainly proud of that, but enough about last year. Yes, Kirbyville beat us and we should congratulate them on a job well done. Anything can happen in baseball which is what makes it such an awesome game. For once, I would love for people to notice Buna baseball because of something they read in a box score instead of from us bragging on ourselves. IF YOU ARE GOOD, PEOPLE WILL KNOW IT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TELL THEM. Good luck to the Evadale Rebels, and the Kirbyville Wildcats. I hope you have a great season and beat everyone but us LOL.
  7. Prayers from Buna.
  8. I don't spend a lot of time reading this type of forum, and even less time replying, however I would like to make a comment regarding posts that degrade our coaching staff in Buna. I have been a part of this community for over 30 years and have been active in the school in some way, form, or fashion the majority of those years. Unlike some of the members on this forum, who frequently post about the Buna Cougars, I have not forgotten the years of 0-10, 1-9, maybe hope for a 4-6. If my memory serves me correctly our record over the past 3 years has been 22-8 up to this point. With a 9-1 and a couple of playoff berths mixed in there. I am by no means planning a parade to celebrate our successes, but I do think our coaches should be commended at least a little for their hard work. I absolutely agree that having great football players makes a huge difference. It just makes me laugh a little to hear people say how good our players are when we win and how poor our coaches prepare when we lose. Sometimes, believe it or not, players do things they are coached not to do. This post is not directed at any one person and is not based on any one post so I will stop ramblin'. It is just something that has been building for some time. And by the way Bruno, I appreciate your posts, the ones I have read are positive and promote our entire program Players and Coaches GO COOGS!!!
  9. Maybe they should have punted on first down. That would have made them feel better. Or maybe an intentional fumble would have eased their pain. Gimme a break raidernation, you want some cheese with that whine.
  10. It is hard for me to believe that someone would begin a post with "I heard somethng about". If you don't know it don't post it. What is this, a beauty shop? The man is not perfect, but please remember there are two sides to every story. If you have been in the coaching profession for very long you will find out that sometimes players and coaches stories don't exactly match. Did anyone ever think maybe the player was a little disgruntled about playing time. Maybe he was even a little league all-star who thought he was the next Derek Jeter. I'm just saying lets don't jump to conclusions.
  11. I had the pleasure of playing for COACH BRYANT in the early 90's when he took a bunch of avg knuckleheads from Buna to Austin. He taught us how to play the game and to respect the game. I also give him credit for teaching us more than just baseball. I am currently a coach, mostly because of him, and will consider my career a sucess if my players view me the way I view COACH BRYANT. Don't bash the man because he doesn't shake hands and kiss the babies. Leave him alone and let him teach the kids.
  12. drake is a good high school pitcher. how many hits did he give up?
  13. BC has outstanding talent, but what will put them over the top is their coach. Coach Bryant is a solid coach and will make sure his team is ready.
  14. Glad to see the Cougars are back to their winning ways this season. Coach Terrier is a great coach and you will be hearing from the coogs for years to come.
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