I don't spend a lot of time reading this type of forum, and even less time replying, however I would like to make a comment regarding posts that degrade our coaching staff in Buna. I have been a part of this community for over 30 years and have been active in the school in some way, form, or fashion the majority of those years. Unlike some of the members on this forum, who frequently post about the Buna Cougars, I have not forgotten the years of 0-10, 1-9, maybe hope for a 4-6. If my memory serves me correctly our record over the past 3 years has been 22-8 up to this point. With a 9-1 and a couple of playoff berths mixed in there. I am by no means planning a parade to celebrate our successes, but I do think our coaches should be commended at least a little for their hard work. I absolutely agree that having great football players makes a huge difference. It just makes me laugh a little to hear people say how good our players are when we win and how poor our coaches prepare when we lose. Sometimes, believe it or not, players do things they are coached not to do. This post is not directed at any one person and is not based on any one post so I will stop ramblin'. It is just something that has been building for some time. And by the way Bruno, I appreciate your posts, the ones I have read are positive and promote our entire program Players and Coaches GO COOGS!!!