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  1. They may say it only affects the "contact speed off the bat", but this coincides with ball travel. You won't see nearly the amount of collegiate homeruns this year, that I can guarantee you AJ.
  2. Quite a harsh statement from a fellow bear eh? I believe Jake DH'd and played the field quite a bit last year for a good team. So yes, I take it he can throw now. From what I heard, he signed to play 3rd for Little Rock. It seems like people have never gotten off this kid's back. Either that, or it's jealousy. Geez
  3. From what I heard, he chose this mid-major over some big-time programs (TCU,LSU,SHSU etc.) I wonder why he decided to ink with a smaller school?
  4. Former "Battlin' Bear" Jake Rowell has signed to play for the University of Arkansas Little-Rock next year. Congratulations to Jake and his family. He was such a hard worker and fun player to watch in high school. I wish him the best of luck.
  5. Could turn out to be pretty salty. They have a very experienced team, and I would expect Griff to have some underclassmen step up. I think their achilles heel will be if they decide to play as one, functional unit. If they do this, the sky could be the limit for these boys.
  6. I thought Rowell was slated to be the starter at 3rd? What happened?
  7. Whoa Whoa Whoa. Who disgarees that Coach Griff doesn't play his best players? And just because your son didn't play like you thought he should, need not apply.
  8. LCM is one of the few schools that does NOT involve politics. Coach Griff puts his best 9 on the field, night in and night out. That's probably a good explanation for his teams success.
  9. Skills. . you are the epitomy of idiocracy. What's the matter "cuz"? You don't know what that means? Get your head in a book and off these message boards because you're damaging its' reputation. A collective "thank you" from us all
  10. What I don't understand "DaBears", is that you're always downgrading the Bears. If you REALLY are from Little-Cypress, respresent with some pride and class, otherwise. . . STICK IT! By the way, I think it's time for a new name because you're definitely no Mike Ditka. Have a clue man. .
  11. I'm aware that these were scrimmages. Just stating the outcome. 5A vs. 4A really means nothing. The team that makes the routine plays and throws strikes will win 95% of the time at the high school level. Do you agree MIF?
  12. I agree with Eagle, 5A vs. 4A is way overrated. In '06 LCM took the Brook behind the shed for a good 'ole country beatin' and last year, Westbrook beat up on LCM. As is with any high school game, it's who makes the routine plays and who can throw strikes.
  13. Dayton couldn't make the playoffs with the best pitcher in the district last year. Hoping for a different outcome this year would be wishful thinking
  14. LC-M's athletic program is not a joke. . just the football team. Check the facts before you make another ignorant statement
  15. First of all, congrats to Clay. Like he said last night, this is something you dream about as a kid. He was mixing his stuff very well and the 'hook' to Markakis in 9th was simply unhittable. But again, Congratulations Clay. Soak it up 'cause it doesn't happen much. I think I speak for everyone when I say we all hope to see more of this
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