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Everything posted by Jasperfan

  1. Finally got to watch the Dawgs last night. They looked really good. The game was only 7 innings(no extra's Rykerx). Tyler Ernest hit a big homerun early in the game.
  2. Bluedove, that's a little out of line. Jasper plays by the same UIL rules as every other team in the state. Don't bash our kids because of the hard work that has turned into some early success this year.
  3. Someone on smoaky said that game one will be in Lufkin Hudson on Thursday night. Can anyone confirm this? If this is true, I can't believe BC agreed to this because there is not much room for fans there. I know what kind of crowd BC brings, so you better get there early if you want a seat.
  4. That's what's wrong with the game. People trash talk instead of playing the game the way it was meant to be played. Congrats to BC on the win.
  5. Mr. Ump1, not trying to open a can of worms because I agree with everything you have said, but I have seen a few cases where umpires clearly have had a direct impact on the result of the game because of their lack of knowledge of the rules or are to bullheaded to ask for help on questionable calls. We, as fans, just want you to get the call right(whether it is for us or against us). My question is this, what type of evaluation system is used on umpires to determine whether they are qualified to call a high school game. I'm not trying to bash, I'm just curius.
  6. Things are looking a little better but continue to keep Lauren in your prayers. update from KJAS.com The family of a fourteen year old Jasper girl who was injured in an ATV accident over the weekend says the girl is improving as she continues to undergo treatment in a Houston hospital. Lauren Hood, who is the daughter or Patrick and Rebel Hood, was injured on Saturday near Roganville when the 4-wheeler she was riding overturned. Hood was originally taken to Christus Jasper Memorial Hospital where she was treated for head injuries and later taken by air to Texas Children’s Hospital. Her family said on Tuesday that Lauren has been responsive and opened her eyes for the first time on Monday night. Although no visitors are allowed, the Hood family said that e-cards can be sent via texaschildrenshospital.com, go to the "for parents" tab and then click on "patient greetings". The Hood family also wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and phone calls.
  7. We have an 8th grade girl who was involved in a 4 wheeler accident this past weekend. She has a fractured skull and the doctors are concerned about the continued swelling of her brain. She is on a breathing machine and can only open her eyes for a few moments. Please keep her in your prayers.
  8. HF will be the second place team in this district and could possibly beat BC. I've said this for a while, they are a really dangerous team.
  9. HJ will definitely be down a little this year. They graduated a great senior class each of the last two years. But, they also have one of the best, if not the best coach in the district. I expect them to struggle early but compete well at the end of the season.
  10. Nov. 12, 2008 Weekly Migratory Bird Hunting Report Weekly migratory bird hunting reports are posted from early September through early February. High Plains Mallard Management Unit: Outfitters say playa lakes look good and are holding lots of ducks and geese. Most of the birds are scattered throughout the region with the abundance of water. Colder weather should congregate the flocks. Pintails, teal, gadwalls, wigeons and a few mallards have been taken. The brunt of the population has not arrived, yet. Hunting has been fair at best recently with the milder than normal temperatures. Calm days coupled with blue skies have not helped decoying action. Sandhill crane hunting was fair during opening weekend. Those with a little wind saw better results. Goose numbers are building daily with the bright moon and a forecasted cold front that is expected to move through the region. Prospects are good. North Zone: Duck hunting was fair at best on Northeast Texas lakes and reservoirs. Ponds near Dallas and north of the city saw mixed bags of gadwalls, teal and mallards. Mild temperatures have been the culprit in so few birds seen. Lake Wright-Patman was good for half-limits at best. Toledo Bend, Caddo Lake and Lake O'the Pines held divers and gadwalls. Water levels on lakes and reservoirs remain adequate for hunting. The southern portion of the north zone was fair at best as well. Fields near Brookshire, China, Devers, Nome, Sealy and Winnie held scattered flocks of specklebellies to go with a smattering of ducks. Conditions remain dry on rice and prairie ponds north of IH-10. Expect new birds to show with the full moon, despite no significant cold front forecasted. Prospects are fair. South Zone: Duck hunting has been fair at best throughout the region, though prairie ponds holding adequate water has seen steady hunting. Best hunts have been in Wharton County, where blue-winged teal, gadwalls, pintails, wigeons and shovelers have filled straps. Fields near Garwood have been steady as well, with most ducks hunters taking the odd specklebelly, too. The Justin Hurst WMA near Freeport, Mad Island WMA near Bay City and Guadalupe Delta WMA near Port Lavaca has seen poor to fair hunting. Most of the freshwater compartments and moist soil units are dry. Duck hunting near Port O’Connor has been fair to good for those willing to put in the time to scout. The brunt of the diver population has not arrived, and the same goes for pintails, gadwalls and wigeons. Rockport has seen fair hunting at best. Large rafts of ducks have not arrived, yet. Goose hunting has been fair to good, with most hunters taking their limit of specklebellies. Snow geese have cooperated when the wind blows. A good hatch of young birds has aided in decoying action. Expect new geese to arrive with the forthcoming full moon. The region received needed rainfall early this week, as much as five inches in some parts, which should recharge parched ponds. Prospects are fair to good.
  11. It's about time they think about implementing the antler restriction rule in our neck of the woods.
  12. Prayers sent from Jasper. I only knew Joel from watching him on the baseball field. What a competitor. I never heard anyone have anything negative to say about him. He must have been a great person. I hope that God will be with all of the families involved and give them peace during this terrible time.
  13. [Hidden Content]
  14. 1. BC- experience and tradition prevail. 2. HF- They've been 1 step away for a couple of years 3. OF maybe- If Felts and Statum continue to play well and they play their cards right, they should be third.
  15. I haven't been to the lakes lately scouting but I haven't heard about there being alot of birds yet. Just a few here and there. With this cold snap there may be some more moving in. I'll report more if I here any news.
  16. Oct. 29, 2008 Weekly Migratory Bird Hunting Report Weekly migratory bird hunting reports are posted from early September through early February. High Plains Mallard Management Unit: Duck hunting was generally good in the Panhandle region as the High Plains Mallard Management Unit (HPMMU) opened for a short stint Oct.25-26. Wigeons, teal, gadwalls and a few mallards were taken over playa lakes. Dumas, Spearman and ponds near Amarillo are holding adequate amounts of water from recent rains. Hunts near Knox City enjoyed limit hunts, though outfitters say they could use more rain. More geese are showing daily, especially with the recent front that dropped nighttime lows in the 30s. Canadas and sandhill crane numbers are looking good. The HPMMU season reopens and runs Oct.31. The West Zone goose season runs Nov.8. Prospects are good. North Zone Duck: Duck numbers are fair at best for the Nov.1 opener. Fair amount of ducks, including gadwalls and wigeons were reported on Caddo Lake and Lake Wright-Patman. The region has received little rain since summer, which has many sloughs and backwaters devoid of moisture. Wood ducks look good in the timber, but another shot of water would help. The best region in the North Zone looks to be the agricultural fields near the coast just north of IH-10. Since rice production is up due to better prices, many fields have water to grow second-crop rice. Fields near Sealy, Brookshire, China, Devers, Nome and Winnie have a fair amount of teal, shovelers, pintails and mottled ducks. Prospects are fair. South Zone Duck: Duck numbers are improving since the front passed early this week. The coastal prairie remains dry, except for second-cropped rice fields and ponds that have been pumped. Gadwalls, wigeons, teal, shovelers and pintails are building on leveed ponds and rice. Marsh ducks are building near Seadrift, Port O’Connor and Rockport. Scaup and redheads are showing on the bay near Port O, Rockport and Port Mansfield. Specklebelly numbers are building, though the brunt of the population has not arrived yet. A few snow geese are showing, but not enough to hunt. The marsh near High Island and Anahuac is devoid of food from saltwater intrusion which should affect the duck flight. As a whole, duck numbers are fair in the South Zone. The season opens Nov.1. Prospects are fair. South Zone Dove: Dove hunting improved during the past week with the recent cool front. New birds showed in El Campo, Bay City, Collegeport and Blessing, though many hunters have lost interest due to upcoming deer and duck openers. Good shoots were posted in Laredo, McAllen, Port Mansfield and Brownsville, though most birds moved better in the afternoon. The first split of the season runs through Nov. 9. Prospects are fair to good.
  17. What do you have lined out to shoot. Show off those trail camera photos if you've got em. As for me, I haven't even put my trail camera out, but I'll be after the big one that we saw a few times last year. He was pushing 130 last year as a 3 1/2 year old so he ought to be really good this year.
  18. I'd offer him an incentive filled contract without a no-trade clause. I'd want to make sure that if he showed his true colors that I could get him out of there.
  19. I didn't know that about Larsen but it makes sense. Think about all of the one hit wonders who come out and throw a no-hitter or a perfect game and never have much success after that.
  20. Don't get to excirted about the lakes just yet. They haven't held ducks really well for probably close to ten years. I wouldn't bet on ducks hanging up here, I bet they'll move on further south.
  21. I like the idea of Griffey going to the Rangers. It would be a good fit.
  22. What you are talking about has gone on for years. Kids move to a school that is rich in tradition and winning to play and be recognized. It was happening to WOS in the 80's and 90's. I'm not saying that is what Matt is doing because I don't know. Yeah, we all know that no one gets recognized at BC??? It was a selfish move, unlike most of you posting, I heard the reasons for leaving strait from him and all of them were selfish!!! What happend to team loyalty and home town pride???? His teammates that he has played with all his life depended on him and he dumped on them with two seasons to go because of better facilities and a coach giving him a line strait of of the used car salesmans handbook!! Does Barbe actually think that they won't get investigated for recruiting him? And when the investigation finds that they did, Matt won't be able to play anywhere. Hurricane Ike is what happened. If there had been no hurricane, I'm sure he would still be in BC. I see nothing selfish about this. His home was destroyed. Sometimes people have to decide what's best for themselves. That's part of life. I'm sure that someday I may have to make a move too. I guess that will be a selfish move on my part too. I'm sure this was an extremely difficult choice to make, so give him a break.
  23. Best of luck to Matt. I've never heard anybody say anything bad about the young man. He is truly a class act. I hate to see you go, because you we're part of the reason the Jasper/BC matchups were so fun. And don't worry Matt, LSU would be stupid to not recruit you.
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