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Everything posted by maddog

  1. Don't forget to think about A&M Kingsville when thinking about College Softball - Div. 2 - NCAA - Lonestar conference
  2. Update: Citgo Refinery - (Corpus)  has a "Orange Crush" Chemical Engineering Intern  for summer of 2013. ;)
  3. To all the coaches and players that helped along the way enabling me to play at the next level, going into third year "catcher" at Texas A&M Kingsville,                            (Chemical Engineering Major) -  First job prospect Engineering Intern at CITGO corpus.   
  4. Congrats B.Moore, Northeast Texas CC is a great school academically. They have made many upgrades to their school over the last 3 yrs. New dorms, and a very nice new softball field. Taylor had the privilege of helping coach Terry with his camp one summer for 3 days. He is an absolutely awesome coach!! Great choice all the way around. I'm glad to see he finally got one of our local girls. Your going to love it there, good luck. Mike McGill
  5. A Great organization that prides itself at growing young lady's opportunity to play at the next level. I wish we could live it all over once again !!! Mike McGill (proud to say Orange Crush player -Taylor McGill - Junior at A&M Kingsville -Starting Catcher - Major Chemical Engineering - Deans List)  OH yea - I am proud be part of this organization
  6. Pluto - You have the essence of the message to a TEE !!
  7. It seems like yesterday that Taylor moved from Baseball with the boys to Girls "Blast" Select Softball. It was not just about the game, it is really growth as human beings and the talent that comes with that also. I remember that 10 and under team like it was yesterday ! 11 players and 8 of them are now playing College ball ! WOW- How time flys by, all the coaching, parents and trips, all bring good memories. My daughter was never the greatest but always seemed to enjoy herself, OH there was the occasional crying of disappointment. But as a whole, I think this has been some of the best times of our life !! I would encourage- Next Time you hear a Kid set their dreams on going to A&M or Texas join with the kids in their dreams, because you never know what life will deal you or them. I am very happy to go watch my daughter play at college, but I am thinking that things will never again be the same as they were when she was a kid because she growing into a real adult !! I sometimes think about the other three kids on that orignal Blast team what made the difference was it me ? or a parent that turned them away and crushed some childs dream. #1 rule - I would encourage all parents to think - before blurting out some crude or viscious comment that could possible hurt a childs feelings ! Take time to talk to the Coach or other parents after the game or after practice in PRIVATE where young tender ears can not hear!! You know at times we (Parents) are the ones that don't act our ages.  Enjoy the times you have with your children, time is really - very short from a child to an adult !!
  8. Way to go BOO , I am very proud of you.- you are the smartest person I have ever met !! Still working on that "LIGHT Polution Theory" you told me about on the way to Silsbee ::) Do you remember when you came to visit and ride the mule with Taylor and you expected a four legged mule CHINA Good Luck Mike Ruth Taylor and Charlie
  9. [quote name="mj830" post="689884" timestamp="1256862042"] [size=16pt]Just attended the first ever Stars over Texas in Victoria, Texas, there was a small turn out however, I strongly believe that this event will grow to possibly the largest SOT event in the near future due to the extremely nice complex. Unlike FORD PARK, the fields were maintained professionally by the CITY and the concessions were reasonable and delivered great food. Also, even though a small turnout, I did see several college coaches at this event, 10 maybe 15 coaches total. Several of the coaches walked around observing the games in their non-coaching apparels which made it difficult to tell who they were.  [/size]   [/quote] I agree with this post as a coach, I saw a lot of contact with College Coaches and a number of girls were contacted at closure of activities Sunday. I also agree Ronnie and Nora do a great service to area and The girls who aspire to play and go to next level of play. We need to appreciate those who work hard and support Girls Fast Pitch Softball... Ford Park although not my favorite place to play, is a local venue (College street is looking good now days ;) and should be a priority for our support. After all it is a lot cheaper to play local and fan support from families is much more easy to attain.
  10.   Congratulations "Buster": An outstanding athlete going to a good school. Good luck you have work hard. Got to ask, did you get that speed from your Mom ? ;) Coach Mike Orange Crush Gold (Brown)
  11. Orange Crush Gang - Randy R., John H., Robert B., M.Jaynes, Weldon P., J. Birdwell, T. Willaims, Lt. Dan. GT Shockers - Robert, Shack - Slammers - Pete T. BMT. Blast - Mike Dodson for the confidence to pickup a young 8 year old on a 10 & under Team, I can't "EMPHASIZE" enough Larry F., Robert Verde, "Take a Time out" Charlie K. Thanks, to all of you for your dedication and efforts to promote Girls Softball,Without each of you this would not have been possible, . Now lets play some Orange Crush Softball.
  12. Most of our girls started out playing Tee Ball/-league baseball with the boys. once they got better than the boys at 8-10 years old ;D they moved on to travel ball. #1 rule - girls and boys throw NO differently, it is solely the training provided. If a coach tells you differently run from him as fast as you can. #2 rule - girls are just as strong as boys at young ages.(and much cuter) 8)
  13. Just a memorable experience : Cheater you have HISTORY That's not all bad
  14. Horn being blown by spectators, Players banging on roof of dugout & that eastern countries style of female yodelling. Oh yes that horn blowing got Cheater sent to parking lot in Vidor.
  15. It's usually the statements before the question that gets them run. Can you give an example of the statement so it want happen to ME? Cheater - All of them
  16. All In All - It is the greatest time of our lifes - too bad it has to end. I sometimes wonder what it will be like once it is over ??
  17. #1 Cheater- Hope all those Tigers and Hawks breaking Sweat on your WOS field doesn't bring you any bad "JU-JU" ;D
  18. People it is just a game, Shannon is a great player I don't believe the majority of you understand the commitment and dedication needed to be a good pitcher. Judging by her pitching, she spends a great deal of time practicing with a pitching coach, at school and on her on. Pitching is a pretty lonely sport when you throw hundreds of pitches a week when everyone else is enjoying their personal time. Heck - I would pay for her to go on vacation next time they play us. Get a life and get off her back !!
  19. I have decided to go to a lamar baseball game mainly because i couldn't rent Weekend at Bernies from Blockbuster. Does anyone else see the likeness with that movie and the coaches out there?
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