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Everything posted by fishcat

  1. Rummer has it they suppose to be schedul next year
  2. Jasper should be pretty good this year. Got most of their offense & defensive lines back. Quarterback back couple good backs back . Linebackers or back got a lot of seniors this year. JV should be stout also. Quarterback should be next year starter on varsity. Got some more Limbricks coming up. Should be an exciting year .
  3. Haven't heard anything but hope he's coming over with his brother at Jasper I know we are a few coaches short
  4. Jasper loses 2 to 3 coaches every year can't blame them tho to want to better themselves. Good luck coach Prouse
  5. I would like to see Jasper beat Bridge City silsbee &Tatum . Maybe we can make it back to Gilmer then hold our breath wish for the best
  6. I'm hoping Jasper plays Newton a little better than last year scrimmage. They should because Jasper is getting a lot back.
  7. I know Jasper will not be half way but I hope they play part of series here
  8. Wos won don't remember score
  9. Coach Barbey accepted a two year contract. He let a Lawer look it over. He didn't want any surprises
  10. I told you the school board voted not to renew his contract last week on a Tuesday night & they told Barbey last Friday his contract would not be renewed .
  11. I'm from Jasper and I thought he was a good coach here. I believe he would make Ned a great coach. I don't believe all that cussing mess . I was around him a lot never heard him cuss not saying he might let one slip in the heat of battle on the football field
  12. I've been hearing rumors that said booster club wanted him gone that's bs . I was asked by a board member what I thought about him . I told him there's one or two things he does I didn't like but I liked him as a coach he said I don't.
  13. I think Hudson is taking the fall for this but last Tuesday night at school board meeting it was voted on not to renew Barbeys contract.I will tell yaw what happened . A lot of people in Jasper wanted a certain coach in woodville to come back to Jasper after he got through coaching his daughter. I wanted him back also but him & Barbey butted heads & he wasn't coming back as long as Barbey was there. Now Barbey gone but I don't think baseball coach is coming back and be drug through all this mess . I blame the fireing on school board . I just hope they can find a coach up to Barbeys qualification.Lots of people is upset about this but they going to have to vote on school board elections and get certain people out of their.
  14. I know more about this than I want to know. Was Barbey perfect heck no but tell me who is. Barbey is a great coach lm not worried about him I'm praying for his wife & kids he'll get another job . He built a nice house and was planning on raising his kids here. I don't think they know who fired him school board or Supt. He was told Friday his contract wouldn't be renewed. All I know we got several snakes in the grass &I we got a heck of a mess
  15. Coach said we wasn't going to play wos anymore so I guess if Jasper makes it to state y'all win by forfeit
  16. I think this is going to be a tough week for Jasper but I can't go against my dawgs I'll take Jasper in a close one.
  17. Jasper plays Gilmer Friday 6 pm at rose stadium in Tyler
  18. Don't know much about Aubrey I'm going to take Jasper in a homer pick
  19. Jasper vers Aubrey Friday 7:30 Tyler Rose stadium
  20. I guess I'm lucky Rayburn Lake been my backyard for the last 32 years & still love to fish
  21. It took me a while to understand Barbey. He told me himself that preseason games get you prepared for distric. He plays people everywhere so he can put them in right place . When distric starts he is different animal.
  22. JasperDawg you need to come to booster meeting Monday @ 5pm @ Fieldhouse Told u we beat them by 3 scores
  23. Visitors side looks ready . Home side not ready . They saying now it will be ready November 4th maybe.
  24. I think Barbey has them ready Jasper by 3 scores
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