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Everything posted by roughnecks99

  1. We are with Texas Combat sorry for the confusion.
  2. We have finished our first round of tryouts last weekend and will have tryouts once a month till Dec. but will have open tryouts in between. We will be at Marauder Park Tuesday from 4:30 to 6:30 for anyone who missed tryouts or would like a one on one tryout we will have players who have made the team already there to start working towards the 2015 season. If you have any questions call Chris Brumley at 409-466-3172 or Tim Rushing at 409-791-3081 thank you.
  3. Texas Combat will be holding a coaches meeting August 13 the address is 5118 Shakespeare Kountze at 6:00 we still have a couple age groups looking for head coaches so if you are interested in being a head coach or a assistant you are more than welcome to attend this meeting. If you would like to coach one of these age groups but can not make the meeting contact Tim Rushing at 409-791-3081 with any questions you may have we have just finished our first round of tryouts and planning to set a date for the next round.
  4. Please bring water for your child it was hot out there today so please bring them some water.
  5. Be sure to bring plenty of water tomorrow.
  6. If your child has football in the morning just bring him by afterward we will be their till 12:00.
  7. Texas Combat will be holding tryouts August 9th and 10th at Maruader Park if you have any questions call Chris Brumley at 409-466-3172 or email at [email protected].       Tryouts for the following age groups are as follows     8U and 9U - August 9th 8:00am to 10:00am   10U and 11U - August 9th 10:00am to 12:00   12U and 13U - August 10th 12:00 to 2:00   14U - August 10th 2:00 to 4:00
  8. If you are interested in coaching a team with Texas Combat call Tim Rushing at 409-791-3081 and let him know what age group you would like to coach. 
  9. Nova, Tim Rushing will be coaching the 8u as well as helping coach the 12u if you have any other questions please feel free to call me at 409-466-3172 or email me at [email protected].
  10. The Bandits ended up winning the championship.
  11. Congrats to our 12u and 10u on making it to the National Championship game this week great job boys and congrats to the 14 boys from our 10u thru 13u teams that made the Nationals All star team.
  12. Texas Combat will be holding tryouts August 9th and 10th at Maruader Park to pre-register call Chris Brumley at 409-466-3172 or email at [email protected].       Tryouts for the following age groups are as follows     8U and 9U - August 9th 8:00am to 10:00am   10U and 11U - August 9th 10:00am to 12:00   12U and 13U - August 10th 12:00 to 2:00   14U - August 10th 2:00 to 4:00
  13. 12u Combat is looking to pick up a pitcher for the world series if interested call Chris Brumley at 409-466- 3172
  14. Texas Combat 13U is looking for a pickup player for this years state tournament in Humble Texas. The tournament could end up being a 4 day tournament from Friday June 27 to Monday June 30. We are looking preferably for a pitcher if interested we will be looking at players this Thursday and next Tuesday at Marauder Park in Lumberton from 4:30 to 6:30. If you have any question please contact Tim Rushing at 409-791-3081.
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