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Everything posted by whisperer

  1. Nedg 18 Lum w 37
  2. Ned g 13 lum w 31
  3. 6-0 OF over BC Sh.....
  4. Mojo I forgot abt that one In 3rd #10 stayed on his feet twice for 2 scores called back and the fumble. It could have easily been 50 to 8 I new black would win but not like they did! Impressed! Both Ned team are unbelievable no doubt! Sh...................
  5. Well Lamar let us know what happens good luck! Sh......
  6. Final 32 - 8 Ned it should have been 44 - 8 but someone gave lumbertons side line a whisle and somehow kept getting the plays blown dead! Wasn't even close fellows sorry I wanted more from Lumberton! Sh..........
  7. Cupcake crew not so much 25 - 8 Nedb Sh.......................
  8. Ned b 13 Lum w 0 1st quarter Sh...................,,
  9. Post em here
  10. Post em up
  11. Post em up
  12. Post em as u get em
  13. Peewee world oh how I miss those pretty young crying mothers!! Well I guess someone has to do it better y'all than the whisperer. So PN dominating this division as well 3 teams over there is it that hard to scalp the Indians? Are they keeping the tradition of stacking a team ALIVE!!! Sh...........................................................
  14. I'm pretty sure they know what y'all do. I will be everywhere tomorrow and on here early! Sh...............
  15. Not in senior my friend Sh.......
  16. No app. Ol loopy one I will be watching bmt play Vidor senior meet you there. Sh........................
  17. Funny funny
  18. I'm aware of All that loopy but my statement was a joke usually you keep up well?? Are you ok?? Sh....................
  19. Oh and I wouldnt repeat anything I say to your customers. UNLESS it's abt youth football then by all mean speak to them the youth knowledge you have learned from the WHISPERER! Sh .........................................
  20. Back to football Sorry to those that don't like my week one picks I mean for crying out loud nobody knows what's abt to happen tomorrow and I said by week 2 ill know all things. Pride it's not your fault your studs moved up and you might end up 500 if your lucky Sh..................
  21. Men spell this way pride if you can read and understand just let me know and ill spell ck for all you mamas out there. 😇 Sh........,................
  22. So there is 2 bmt worriors teams because the one I saw was little very?? Fast but little very? And not so good Ned white ether is that good or bmt worriors are not as good as your saying. I'm confused ?sh............
  23. That's it bmt pride is from Ktz's I'm sure of it them Ktz's guys LOVE Bmt why don't y'all just move there and stack a team then maybe y'all can beat Vidor and Pn.... Sh........................................
  24. Anderson Rivers and the big King kid are the keys to there show have been sense peewee flag or what ever. They have some kids to throw too I noticed but ........pride are you sure your from bmt and yes all those kids KNOW who PN is and the big 3 still start (same team!) They scrimmaged Ned y'all don't get to excited over there. Sh....................................................
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