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Everything posted by whisperer

  1. I still beat you Internet / clinic coach ! With my STAFF! Sh..............
  2. Maybe go pro maybe! I would love to watch this one. The whisperer may appear In Lumberton this weekend with Video in hand! Sh....................................................
  3. I will be there as well going to be the game baby! Sh............
  4. I'd like to make an adjustment to my earlier predictions. Due to current events id like to change the following point spread...... Bmt -39.75 Lum B Thank you and sorry for the line change! Sh................................................................
  5. Sorry #1 fan I thought he was suspended last yr or yr before my bad. I'm at a point I just want to leave all this alone sorry this happen booger.
  6. That is starting and stirring up the pot because I don't see it your way come on man obviously something was done wrong or it wouldn't have happen Lum is not the only vote. There are people from all over the league that saw the Video and were in agreement that it was time for him to go. You guys are the ones that turn it Into all this and that. Stirring the Pot lol that is funny I thought that was what u were doing! ITS ON FILM (JAG ) and they all watched it and he was suspended before for this same thing. Then you come on here and turn it into they don't want your kids playing and that is far from the truth you guys are the problem not your kids! I know you no who I am what does that matter I'm just not seeing it your way so u guys attack me so go ahead!
  7. People bring it on there selves man ... REALLY!!!! Why's it got to be just Lumberton? Sh.....
  8. And yes when we were on the brown in late 80's we won but I don't remember scores like that hunch or playing that school thats back in your old ass days ! I'm only 32 so ?? Sh...............
  9. Oh and thank you y'all are welcome!
  10. That is a way better topic though hunch keep it up I lost my feeling 3 yrs ago homey! Lol Sh....................
  11. No I only had the older group every other yr so its all him I've been gone for 2 yrs I was takin over by a far more superior coach and staff. Good luck Jr allstar coaches! Sh....
  12. Lets here some football talk fellow flappers. Sh...........................
  13. You really see it this way you need help my friend ! Sh........
  14. I see all games through my youth football crystal ball !! Sh............................................................................…………….....
  15. You pick jasper over Lum w no way dude you Better hope y'all beat BRIDGE CITY because they came to play this yr! I've seen jasper jr Lum w white will adjust ( if they even need too) and shut them down no chance. Sh...............................................
  16. BMT -30 LUM B LCM -6 BC KTZ +21 WOS PN W -20 VID PN P -20 NED LUM W -14 OF   SH.......................................................................................................................................................................      
  17. BMT B -12 BMT G BMW -1 LUM R LCM -6 BC WOS -14 OF O KTZ pick  OF W PN P pick VID PN W +30 NED W LUM W -20 JAS   Lots of good match ups this week LCM / BC game of the week !     Sh...............................................................................................................  
  18. whisperer


    It's official and I'm calling it I have a stalker aka loopy! Sh.............
  19. whisperer


    How dare you Sh..... The whisperer sitting on you bumm eating snacks with way to much down time at work on your hands ! Get out there and swing a hammer like us real men while flappin now that is talent And you know this loopy! Sh.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  20. I miss tha hippy!
  21. You just may have spotted the whisperer who knows "he is everywhere" Sh............
  22. This is why I think Black is going to beat you guys and yes y'all have older better talent and should win. Guess we will see. I can eat crow If I'm wrong but I would bet on black! Sh.................
  23. Different group Of kids and compitition hawks you know that and yes I am a Super Bowl flapper. I can remember a yr you coach the groups I always had to coach and you didn't win a game ?? See that is abt the same thing you are trying to say! Take a good coach can make a less talented team be 5oo but anybody can win with y'all's talent don't Deni that I'm not saying you are not a good coach at all because you guys are I just know football and your offense can be stopped with equal or abt equal talent. You can go on and on on my record. I get it! Sh..........:
  24. Bunch of o crap hunch I knew the whole coach card was going to be pulled y'all have talent period don't give me the whole nobody knows how to coach crap give me and my ol coaching staff with y'alls talent I would run right over you and hawk !!! Please . Sh................
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