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Everything posted by whisperer

  1. Brady UR on an you will pay u get 20 and I get to choose where we eat Sh .........................
  2. I'm thinking BUGGATTI ! Scared the crap out of Lamar completely off the forum! "Or" he is zeroing In on Lum. B. Doing Indian dances-Beating drums -While riding wild mustangs around big burning fires screaming (RAIDERS!) Something is telling the whisperer this is not good for lumberton blue my predictions may change and spread gets larger the closer we get Saturday Sh..........................................
  3. I'm thinking BUGGATTI ! Scared the crap out of Lamar completely off the forum! "Or" he is zeroing In on Lum. B. Doing Indian dances-Beating drums -While riding wild mustangs around big burning fires screaming (RAIDERS!) Something is telling the whisperer this is not good for lumberton blue my predictions may change and spread gets larger the closer we get Saturday Sh..........................................
  4. Alright lace I'm in on peewee world ! LCM +13 WOS b Lum w. -7 PNG Lum r.+28 PNW Vid b +20 BMT w BMT g pick Ned g BMT b -20 Ned w Vid w +20 PNP BC +28 Jasper OF pick Ktz And yes PNW is that good and be glad because that coach is a cry baby if he loses! Sh............................
  5. I got the messages you kept on you stop quit coming on here saying shit that ant true geezus
  6. Oh my God man really nobody is talking bad abt the 2 kids everyone knows how special they are they are amazing. This is a trash talking forum people get on here and say things just to get a rise out of each other. Lamar - pride Jaw back and forth with me and we just move on. Hell I knew WOS was going to beat PN so I said it /flapped abt it/ that doesn't mean I was trashing and tearing there kids down. This is what the page is for just like this guy on here Mr. Silsbee. He has hit the ground running with flapping. And claims he has this or that Better than us yadda yadda. It's just a forum and Bugatti takes it way to personal and I don't know what the hell I did or my wife did, he does this every yr but has really gone to far telling me and my kid where we are aloud to play in basketball that he wasn't even a part of last yr. he wasn't on our team. The comments abt fundraising $#!] I don't even know what he is talking abt there. I know my son and his capabilities I wanted him to go play with the best to get him better for when he starts school ball. That group over there is the best in this area. Sorry if that bothered Bugatti that he was on the team he enjoyed it looked up to kids he played with and even though rivers and Anderson left to play on another team. He still thought it all revolved around them All I heard was rivers this Anderson that. He freaking loved y'all's kids. In saying that it is so sad that Bugatti went this route attacked me cussed my wife and completely verbally abused her oh and yes bugger put it all in ink on FB. I would and have never talk to anybody's wife the way he did. So saying all that I'm pretty pissed as any grown man would be But if you would notice I still haven't used his name. But he outs the whisperer a few days ago. I wasn't Against the bmt kids Bugatti I think y'all will beat everybody pretty bad and lose to PN w and as awesome As your child is I think the Harris brother runs stride for stride "ON A BASKETBALL COURT" with him. I also think the bost kid is older than him by probably 2 yr he is faster than him. These are my opinions and I could be wrong and you outing me and cussing me doesn't change that at all. You have never said more than 2 words to me so there is no love loss there but just sitting there chomping at the bits to attack my kid an that's what you are doing. Then talking to my wife like that . All that cussing doesn't hurt me. You have somehow sucked all the fun out of the MASSAGEBOARD. And please from now on do what most intelligent people do on this board read it LAUGH and post back some flappin. I do that nobody knows what's going to happen I've said it before it might be your yr to win it all I guess u missed that post. Don't worry I will keep jrs talent in mid co from now on sorry I affended you guys. This was not a post to get a response so lets please keep it on youth sports
  7. No UR not ....
  8. Yes they will cover ... Sh..........
  9. [quote name="Bugatti" post="1522541" timestamp="1409434275"] It was the younger Harris. Those kids all play together on Brady B's AAU basketball team. That's why I don't understand why a dude like whisper will get on here and hate on all the Bmt kids when his kid plays AAU basketball with them. Heads up whisper, go play ball with Bost and the rest of the Indians because the kids I have connection to will never play a game with you or your son again.[/ You might need to call me I've never said one bad thing I make prediction and half the time im wrong and give teams props when they wrong me. Bringing me personally and my son up on this board . You crossed the line and way past it. Get my number from chuck and call me keep it off the message board. Wrong dude way wrong!!! Ill be expecting your call
  10. Hell y'all can't handle Woodville and your going to run through STJFL. Please come get some of these big schools (BIG BOY) Sh.................
  11. Please scrimmage Ned ///Please come on you pick white or there black team. Hell I bet they will come to you! You might break a couple but lose SO BIG ! They will put it on you by more that 30 Sh..............
  12. What?? LOPPY great name for you !! Sh..............
  13. Loopy if it will help I'll give you scores of playoffs that yr.. 36-6 black beat Ned Gold an 13-7 black beat Ned White. So if that helps you out any. Sh..............................
  14. Brady I just gave them to u but here again it's early for point spreads After week 2 ill have it all figured out! Sh....................
  15. An yes I am a hard head trust me ! Sh.........
  16. What damn yr are you talking abt then Ned Black had to beat Ned gold an Ned White to get to the dang Super Bowl against Bmt Blue. You need to go back on your stjfl page of knowledge and make sure you are in the right yr! Knuckle head - hardhead- bonehead and any other name you jack@$$ es can think of please stop doubting the whisperers knowledge loopy Sh...........
  17. Lum W -14 Png W Lum R pick Png P Vid -7 Bmt Warriors Bmt B +28 Ned B Bmt G +28 Ned W BC +28. Jas Of-W pick Of-O Lcm ( pick WOS) WOS just because it's WOS Little early for spreads but here ya go... Sh...................................................
  18. Lum B +20. Png White Vidor - 6. Lum W BC +21. Jasper OF +13. Ktz LCM +21. WOS Bmt - 28. PNG P
  19. I'm predicting white as well unless the 9s team of black starts utilizing there 10s ?? Yeah I said it the tens are Better in Ned Jr ! I'm tired of all the 9 talk that @$$ whippin Lum white got from black all the tens were scoring. (Dont spaze out 9 yr old daddys) i know 9s help and make yAll better But these other teams just better hope yall keep playing all there 9s or the dang score will be like a BMT scored game 72 -0 !! Then the Yellow badges step in etc etc Sh........................
  20. Oh yeah I'm out of retirement per old man jags request! Sh.......
  21. [quote name="loopy" post="1520577" timestamp="1409318971"] whisperer, as much as I would like you to be right on this one, there were only 2 Nederland teams according to past scores posted on stjfl archives, when bmt won superbowl in peewee. Nederland couldn't handle them then and couldn't handle them now. [/quot Loopy wrong again over looked this and there was and always has been 3 team in there division till now. So yes the whisperer is correct! Sh.....
  22. Good grief Coaches calm your pants and your parents if you can't take a little flappin. You know the whisperer loves bmt spend half my time over there. Ill see y'all next football season. To get a response out of old man jag 1986. I will retire from the forum. Btw this is y'all's yr if I'm truely being honest geez relax and get ready for PN Sh............................
  23. Oh I almost forgot your turn tag UR it!!! Sh....................................
  24. I will be ready 2015 you just better hope we have 2 teams in Sr. and my Ole boss Toby don't tell my DQ how to set his defense up against you losers !!! Sh............................................
  25. Ill be there next yr homey READY ! I can't wait hammerhead good luck this yr! Lmao! It took you long enough fool........ Boss please I am the boss.......... Sh...................................
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