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Everything posted by RaiderRed30

  1. Tech over It's Just OK University
  2. That is where the Whatever He Wants comes into play. It will be tough with him back home in South Louisiana coaching at LSU.
  3. If what is being said turns out to be true, I hope the NCAA will lessen this to 2-4 games max.
  4. That has to be a record in futility As for a new coach they need a young guy with connections to DFW.
  5. Did you or the writer of the article even read the original poll results. It stated that out of a poll of 600 Muslims, 51% say that Muslims should be able to be governed by Sharia law. When asked about Sharia Law for all of the population, 86% said it should not replace the Constitution.
  6. Can not afford to give up that last TD with TCU getting the ball to open the half. And can anyone explain how in the past 2 weeks Tech has managed to hurt every wide receiver but the one who is burning em? Not promoting injury just find that stat odd.
  7. Which San Antonio Tournament is it? SAISD's tournament is the next week.
  8. At least it wouldn't be the only one in Texas this week. Of course it won't be as this game is a wash.
  9. No never was. I just can't stand Tubberville. Remember how he left Tech? Walking out of a dinner with potential recruits.
  10. I Hope Memphis scores 100
  11. Considering all the facts it may not be considered one. TCU without 6-7 defensive starters and the game being played at Tech, one of the toughest venues in the country when things are good. TCU is ranked based off of last year and what they were bringing back. It has been hit. Tech has changed their defense and it is better, we all think. If Tech wins and they go in different directions at the end of the year it would not be. Vegas has the game at one touchdown. It is shrinking. This is different than West Virginia during the lost years. TCU has not beaten any one yet to prove the 3 ranking valid.
  12. Paranoia much? Here's a story: Baby born with shrapnel
  13. Don't know if it would be an upset
  14. If Kentucky loses to Missouri after their performance last week then the SEC is done
  15. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Syrians can only travel west. East and Southeast is ISIS and death. Southwest is a closed border with Israel where the fighting is heaviest. Lebanon has Hezbollah but there are 1.2 million refugees there. The only other country that borders them is Jordan which is having fall out effects from the Civil War there. Then as to why they are fleeing further in to Europe is because after Turkey is the Balkans where 25 years ago there were ethnic genocides between the Serbian, Bosnians, and Kosovo Albanians. That area can explode at any moment.
  16. Is everyone forgetting the key point: SEC OFFICIALS. I repeat SEC OFFICIALS will be working this game. According to a certain coach that has been the downfall of one of the teams the past two weeks.
  17. By the time Saturday comes will any projected Week 1 Starter on defense still be starting for TCU? I think that makes 8 out now plus the 6 they replaced off of last year.
  18. Will he still get the ones that can make a difference? Or will they be fill in the hole players? Arkansas looking at a 2-10 or 3-9 season. Bielema seems about done. Injuries are hurting them but how can any coach keep their job in a power conference if their record over 3 years is 13-24? And his mouth.
  19. All Bielema's doing is hurting Arkansas. 1. Arkansas needs Texas recruits to even be even break .500 2. Texas recruits play in the spread and he likes to run the ball from under the center. Recruits need to see success to want to play in that system. 3. Texas coaches love Kingsbury. His dad was a big name around San Antonio. He coached Manziel and is a player's coach. 4. His mouth is doing him no favors. All this adds up to trouble in Arkansas for the next couple of years. It may only get worse from here.
  20. I think Tech is the clear cut 4th as of now. With TCU's defense down to 2nd and 3rd stringers, Tech has a real good shot at home. Baylor and Tech is a throw out the records game. Overall no team will go undefeated this year.
  21. that's not funny. That was expected
  22. Tried to say it should be a marquee game. ESPN Gamepage
  23. I'm thinking 1-1 but hoping for 2-0. Lubbock is never nice to the visitors.
  24. Next week will be very interesting. If only it was a night game.
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