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Everything posted by RaiderRed30

  1. Stephenville, Ladies and Gentlemen. Stephenville
  2. Read on a Waco news site that Stewart is suspended after being arrested for evading arrest in March. Oakman has an active warrant for failure to appear. [Hidden Content]
  3. Maybe we can get whataburger to do the same.
  4. Baylor
  5. Trust me there is precedent at the school, that if ever released publicly would end school's reputation. All I am comfortable saying is that Baylor played favorites with the football player over others with way less issues.
  6. Linda Andrews and Rhonda Farney along with Lombard make up the Big 3 for women's coaches. All three should be up there in the list of overall great coaches. Andrews winningest coach of all time but only 1 state title. Multiple appearances though. Farney over 1000 wins and still coaching Georgetown. Lombard also has coaches 7 or 8 cross country team state titles.
  7. He already has proven to be a great recruiter of LA players while at Gorman.
  8. You lived up there. You know what I'm saying. Good Ole Boy politics. Not about what's right, but what's best. Forgot about the Cooper incident. But what about the Brownfield basketball player? Led the team to the regional finals. [Hidden Content]
  9. Liberty is still close enough to where if something major happens at the school then it would be covered by the news. This incident in particular that I know of, the nearest news station is 90 miles away and the school so small it is not even on a map. 4 rapes in two years (2 at the school and 2 at a function hosted by the school board's vice-president with multiple school employees working and multiple deputies providing security) and nothing is done and will never be done. The whole county knows what happens but nobody cares because of risk. That is how it is in Central Texas. I would love to do something and have tried, but am unable to because no one cares about these small schools. I am not trying to ramble, and apologize if I am. I agree that it is way to light of a sentence. I do not think that anyone in their right mind would think that the punishment is just. The judge will probably be investigated to see how his background with Baylor may have clouded his judgment. Baylor is in a whole lot of trouble because he was indicted, yet was still allow to be in classes with women and the fact that they punished the girl by forcing her out. Let's not forget about the victim and the possible other victims who were not rightfully warned. Baylor should be held accountable. My only opinion is still that being from the area, it is something just for the case to even go to trial. So many people have so much to lose that they will do whatever they can to be keep things quiet. It is wrong, but it is how it is in Waco and Central Texas.
  10. Just as some one said earlier, they could be more transparent and not just say violation of team rules. Even if there was a gag order, Baylor could have at least said he was suspended pending criminal investigation. That is legal. Baylor is known (basketball) to be very secretive. As for privacy laws they are also known to break those. The fact of the matter was this was a blatant cover-up by multiple parties if it was never posted anywhere. Most newspaper publish felony indictments, yet this one was not. There should be more transparency. As for the first part of the response, you obviously have never lived in the country where everybody knows and are related to everybody. It is impossible to do something when A. Everyone in a position of power could face criminal investigations or be fired if certain cases are prosecuted (sheriff's department, school board members, leaders of the community) and B. the county where the rapes take place is in the devil's triangle of media and for that reason no one gives two-cents what happens there. So your statement about do something is impossible there.
  11. I'm gonna say something that most people on here are not going to agree with but it is my area so I do have insight. The fact that this case went to trial is a win. Around that part of Texas rapes happen way too often involving high school and college students. You don't hear about because barely ever is anything done. I know of an incident where two girls were raped and everyone in the county knew they were. The girls eventually moved a couple of months later so nothing was done. It was forgotten because of all the people that would have been investigated and lose their jobs. That is the mentality up there. This was a profile case. Maybe now more will be done but most likely not. As for the judge, there is a history with that campus and rape that goes back decades. Finally on the issue of Briles and Petersen nobody knows exactly what was said between them. If Briles did know the exact detail than it is bad. However, I do think that a West Texas to the bone man like him if he heard about any man hurting a woman would say that man is not allowed anywhere near the program. I do think though that Baylor athletics need to be a little more transparent with their suspensions. Just my thoughts.
  12. Baylor stopped being Baylor 15-20 years ago. As for the football team 1 or 2 arrests is still better than most and the basketball team.
  13. Not many do. Today many don't realize Guam and the Northern Marianas have anything to do with the US. I didn't mean to go on a rant just agitated that to find news about it I had to go to Candian or British websites. They are Americans and I just found out that most of the island of Saipam still do not have access to water two weeks after the storm. Just think that if it was on the news people would do more to help because they are citizens like you and I.
  14. It is commonwealth, just like Puerto Rico. It is a part of the US. Their citizens are US citizens. They serve in the US military. The only difference between them and being a state, is the fact that they receive no voting representation in Congress (they have a member in the House of Representatives that has no vote) and cannot vote in the Presidential election. They are Americans like us, yet their story is nowhere on the news. As of the latest it will still be another month before they have electricity.
  15. It hit the US first last week. Damage was worse than Taiwan. If I can figure out how to link the video I will. Edit: Below is the link. I believe it should work. [Hidden Content]
  16. Soudelor; the aftermath looks like a war zone. Saw a video on youtube, but don't know how to do links anymore
  17. Don't know if this is the right topic, but surprised there has been no talk of the major storm to hit the U.S. last Sunday. $20 million in damage, no electricity or water, but luckily no deaths. Read somewhere one of the weather reporters recorded a 214 mph gust with 145 10-minute average winds.
  18. ​Did not even see that. Just knew he was playing for the Pelicans in Summer League. With Rondo being a basket case, Seth could end up starting.
  19. Surprised nobody has mentioned the Spurs won it with a female coach in Becky Hammon. Also anyone think that the Pelicans and Gentry give Seth a shot after this?
  20. Okay I knew normally he did but the interview after the US Open made it seem like he wasn't. Good that he keeping his commitment.
  21. I think Jordan has a good chance regardless. Texans, especially ones from DFW and west, should naturally do well at Links courses. For Jordan himself he just has to go to Weatherford an hour away to play a links style course. Jordan should have already been the favorite but three weeks layoff hopefully won't bring any rust with it.
  22. He said when he went back to Cleveland he wants max money and would not take a pay cut again. Look for 22 million this season and 40 next. He is caring only for himself now. Everyone knows he's going to stay, they just need to build more around him and figure out the Love situation. ​
  23. ​Not gonna happen. Owners have already said that they are willing to pay the luxury tax to keep him. Lee and either Speights or Bogut is going to be the only difference from this years team.
  24. ​Give him a year to grow and watch. He was a star in the 2nd best league in the world. Dirk was small as well and still put up 30 on Barkley.
  25. What does this mean for Karl and Cousins?
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