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Everything posted by RaiderRed30

  1. ​Why? This guy has been called the next Dirk.
  2. I don't think the links course is a problem just that they are in a drought. It played very well for the Amateur a few years ago. There are great link courses notable Rowls in Lubbock and Whistling Straits here in the US. As for Tiger at least he wasn't the worst in his group.
  3. Yeah kinda disappointed in Oakland. Worse that happened was setting off a mortar and having a person jump of a street light. Heck only like 3 people were shot. That's like a slow night for the East Bay. If this had gone to game 7 on Friday it would have been epic.
  4. ​After what LeBron did this series it is hard to say anything bad about him. He gave everything and then some for his team, his family, his city, and his state. Most likely he shortened his career like Larry Bird, but he left everything out on that court. While the debates will continue about if this team was healthy would they have won (I do not think so as Thompson was a better fit for LeBron then Love and Kyrie would have played into the Warriors hands being more offensive and less defensive than Delly) there should be no debate that LeBron's finals as one of the best Final series a player has ever had.
  5. I ain't a bandwagoner always been a Warriors and Steph fan. Look at my screen name; 30 because of him. Just like my father who chose his number in high school because it was the same as Rick Barry who was the guy at that time. So yeah I ain't a bandwagon fan.
  6. Yes! Yes! Yes, 40 Long Years but the Dubs are the CHAMPIONS Iggy! Iggy! Iggy for MVP!!! (And for anyone interested turn to CNN tonight to watch the Riot in Oakland. I can already hear the gunshots ringing.)
  7. ​The only way the Cavs win if it is by blowout. They have died in the 4th quarter of every game and tonight could be worse with the cross country trip. Plus as I said Sunday, nobody wants a game 7 in the East Bay.
  8. ​I think you meant Lance Stephenson of the Hornets. This is a dumb trade for the Clippers, I would take Barnes over Stephenson every time.
  9. ​I know this is a jinx but I am going out on limb and say the Warriors close it out on Tuesday. There is no way that Adam Silver and the NBA want a Game 7 in OAKLAND.
  10. Cavs said after Game 4 they were gassed yet they come out tonight and shorten the rotation? Take out Millers 2 1/2 minutes they are playing 6 guys. They will be dead by the middle of the fourth quarter again.
  11. Doesn't LeBron by rule have to have the concussion test after this?
  12. Dova's a piece of crap. Got hard screened by Green and then tries to cut him and take out his knee on the way up.
  13. Curry has broken the record and I think is currently about 20 threes past it. I also hate to see Kyrie hurt. I wish to see the best Cavs vs. the best Warriors (truthfully the Cavs are better with Thompson, even though Love is the better player). I hope we win it for Livingston. What he has been through he deserves to win an NBA Championship more than anyone else in the league. That was and will always be the worse sports injury of all time. Also, asking because I may be biased, does LeBron get away with throwing the elbow when backing players down? It seems like it he gets away with that every time.
  14. ​This title was misleading. I thought it was about TRINITY HS and the Samoans. That would have been epic.
  15. Don't know how to attach links but saw on ESPN and then read on the NY Times that FIFA paid the Republic of Ireland $5.4 million to not protest the Thierry Henry- France handball goal in 2010. One Irish source even said Blatter agreed to the payment. So much for untouchable. Would we actually put an 80 year old in jail though?
  16. Houston finally beats Golden State and the floodgates open. Literally. Good news is Curry is okay and Klays shot started falling. Plus good chance Howard gets suspended for game 5 for the shot. Just got start fast on Wednesday.
  17. You know I ain't one of those right? Always been a Warriors and Mavs guy
  18. Okay so the new definition of luck is: "Playing good defense to not force a shot" I will send this to webster tomorrow morning.
  19. Made that shot? he didn't take the shot. Warriors doubled and forced him to lose the ball. That's not luck that's called defense.
  20. And yes I have watched them every game that's on TV.
  21. Everybody knows that what I'm referring to were not turnovers, well one was, but dumb end of game mistakes that really hurt the warriors since Houston scored off of both of those. Don't make the stupid mistake the game changes. The point is Golden State didn't get lucky they made mistakes that cost them and almost cost them home court.
  22. After the game when Rocket players flat out said "we were the better team and just let Golden State win" And the two mistakes aren't flaws just dumb mistakes
  23. Obviously we all know now who didn't watch badminton at the last Olympics.
  24. Let's see Barnes shot the 3 with 15 secs on the shot clock. Wait and either force a foul or get a better shot. Then deflection caused a turnover. Call timeout get 8 more secs and force a foul. That's trying to give the game away. Maybe not the best words but the truth we played terrible at the end making dumb middle school mistakes. And don't say Golden State excuses after Tuesday when Rockets said the same thing after the second quarter comeback.
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