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Everything posted by RaiderRed30

  1. Barnes dumb three attempt. Not calling a timeout on the deflection
  2. We didn't get lucky. We tried to give the game away
  3. This series will set a sports record for most heart attacks caused.
  4. Please let him play point. Please
  5. Read somewhere about the possibility of him suing but the bylaws says he cannot. If he did Goodell could then go about and force him to sell the team. The owners would have to back Goodell obviously and I think with this being the 3rd or 4th they have been caught cheating the owners would have forced a sale. They appeal Goodell levies same charges and if they sue lose the team. Rock meet Hard Place.
  6. Just saw the press conference. Warriors are deeper than anyone knew. They have a 2 year old taking over and telling the MVP what to do.
  7. First I want to state what most already know and that is I'm a Warriors fan. That being said I have tried to stay away from this thread because I don't want to be involved with arguments. I just want to watch good basketball. I have previously said I wanted the Rockets to beat the Clippers to create this series. That was not because I thought it would be easier for us but because truthfully if the a Warriors and Clippers were playing this series then there would be no NBA Finals. They would have killed each other. This should be a good series and yes I am confident that we should win in 5 or 6. I am posting this a day late but the biggest key for the series in my opinion is Josh Smith. You saw tonight he made some good players but more bad plays. He will be guarded by Draymond a lot and Draymond will do whatever it takes to get under his skin. On defense the Warriors are going to make him defend the guards. If he can not let Draymond get to him and not get lost on the screens the Rockets have a good chance. If not the games will still be close but Warriors should win. I saw on here where people were saying how Dwight should dominate but Bogut is one of the best post defenders and offensive rebounders in the league. Even if he gets in foul trouble we have Festus and David Lee who shut down Gasol in the last series. Plus Speights if he gets healthy. The Rockets have the young center as well. This makes Smith even more important. Overall these are both very good and deserving teams. They are both deep and no matter what should provide some very entertaining games.
  8. Great Game but all that matters is 1 down 3 to go
  9. That was both of them. Ariza first pulled Green down and then Green held Ariza on the floor.
  10. Was kinda hoping for Bill Simmons with Shaq and the jet
  11. I know but these refs have been letting them play that way all night. If Andre didn't get ball it would have been a foul for these refs but he did and they didn't call anything.
  12. 2 Series Down. Now we wait for either a basketball series or a street fight. Either way should be fun.
  13. Not really the refs have been terrible all night and Andre had a lot of the ball. I'm biased but the refs have been trying to let it be physical.
  14. Glad the Rockets won hope they can do the same tomorrow.
  15. Don't understand this one. They both lose 1/5 of the season while the previous long was 6 games for a player arrested for their 2nd DWI. Both parties were involved in the fight and they still married afterwards. Both are working to have charges drop. Yes it was violent and domestic abuse but I hope they appeal this down to say 3 games.
  16. BYU obviously Colorado State. Good school and returns the Big 12 to the Denver market.
  17. My heads glad the clippers won but the Spurs got hosed. The ref who called the fall on Duncan should be done for the season.
  18. Torn hoping they do or they don't. Can't stand the Clippers but the Spurs the only team that should be able to take us out.
  19. They thought about that but the White Sox don't go to Baltimore after this series.
  20. As bad as it is for Williams it's good that even in the one and done era some of these top recruits and their parents are looking for the future by looking at the academic side of the school as well just how the basketball program fits.
  21. Maybe LeBron but not Steph. With him and the pelicans he got no calls.
  22. The warriors have beaten Memphis by 20 multiple times this year. Just last week it was 20 going into fourth. The bench allowed a comeback.
  23. It's playoff basketball. Don't matter how you win. JUST WIN!!!
  24. Yeah but the new owners don't care. When I went last year I left in the 2nd inning because of the change espicially the hall of fame. Even the fans aren't the same since the success. As for those players they were all great. I remember Kenny (my parents would never let eat peas because of him) and Darren well best people you'd ever meet. Palmero however was a jerk driving ferraris 100 mph in the middle of a neighborhood where the houses weren't worth the price of the car.
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