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Everything posted by RaiderRed30

  1. Nothing against Evadale at all, but have to go with LaPoyner here. Being able to beat Lipan and shut down Roberts says a whole lot. Combine that with a 2 point loss to Navasota makes it hard to pick against them.
  2. So what is happening to the teams that they cancelled on? Not badmouthing but just wondering if they worked it out to where the other two schools play each other instead.
  3. It was about to effect their education because they were going broke. Broke means no pay to teachers. Teachers can't live without a salary. They would have been forced to find jobs elsewhere. The district would have then not been able to find teachers to apply to work there or even accept a job. Eventually the school district would have had to been consolidated or taken over. The take over had to happen. It has. Get over it. Just wait until next school year, or even after this school year when the STAAR and EOC's have been handed out to make a decision on if the Board of Managers has helped the students at Beaumont ISD. The improvement could show up this year, but more than likely it will be next year because this year was about getting the district out of debt. If not then you can complain all you want. When it comes to the performances of the Board of Managers and TEA with the students, everyone should wait until after the test scores are released and rated to form an opinion.
  4. Leon High School
  5. Should be a good game. LaPoyner beat a really really good Lipan team to win the Teneha tournament in December. And according to what I have heard about them, their best player is only a Sophomore.
  6. So you are complaining about overcrowded classroom, when the only reason they are overcrowded is because the old school board members and higher ups in the district stole money and misfinanced to the point that if TEA had not taken over Beaumont ISD would have been unable to pay for teachers or anything really within a year or two. Right now there are these classrooms but the situation is becoming better and the number of overcrowded classrooms will lesson. As the others had said you have to fix the problem from the top. That is what they are working on. You need money to run a school district. Then the next step is to evaluate teachers and determine how they can work together within the district to better the academic setting for the students. By next year the district academic rating should show improvement and continue getting better as long as the old school board members are not voted back next year at the new elections. You may not be looking at the picture clearly, but overall the district is getting better. Teachers aren't leaving en masse any more. It takes time to fix all this.
  7. In Yates defense they did lose later that year to Lee 26-25.
  8. Standing Room only is the best atmosphere. Playing in a 10,000 seat gym sounds nice, but if only 100 show up what's the point.
  9. No, Beaumont ISD to too big to be taken over by anyone and I don't think any of the local school districts that border Beaumont will want to. Texas City was an easy choice. Wilmer-Hutchins up in Dallas had two to three districts say no before Dallas agreed to the takeover.
  10. Scheduling for non-district. Football scheduling is done first and more concrete with only one game a week, so any changes can cause a major ripple effect throughout the state. Livingston to 5A has created that in the Beaumont area.
  11. 90% of the time UIL gets its right. This was not because of them. Livingston turned in the wrong numbers and it was not revealed until after redistricting was over. The best solution for everyone was to place them in one district with only 8 teams to create a 9 team district and not try to mess with more teams schedules than UIL had to. If they had turned in the right numbers than who knows how the districts would have ended up. This is on Livingston not the UIL.
  12. Hearing this is going to cause problems on Monday. Game limits in other sports are going to cause problems trying to schedule around, but for football the battle may be district lines. Corpus Christi ISD has 6 teams and they want zones, but it seems like the other districts don't. It would be difficult to figure out how to decide who has 6 teams in a zone and who has 5. Their are too many variables. It is more than likely going to end up being a district that starts in Week 1 and ends in Week 11. No time to figure things out.
  13. I don't think they were ever worried about travel. They just don't want that district for all sports but football. I mean travel when Burnet is 20 miles away and Lampasas is 40. May be the worst appeal filed since realignment started.
  14. Navasota WO-S, yes please. I was wondering about TEA. I thought the numbers UIL used were what the districts turned into TEA for money. If they falsified records, then TEA could go after them for money they received that they should not have necessarily received.
  15. I thought I read somewhere that no decision has been made for other sports. Only football was decided today.
  16. Very surpised that Central did not win, Amarillo must have a lot of pull within UIL. Hays and Lehman not moving means passing through Austin ISD's district to travel to North Austin, while San Marcos travels through both schools to Austin ISD. Just all around confusing. West Brook was probably the best outcome they could get. Alice and Calallen is the most shocking thing. I understand travel distance, but UIL swore off 11 team districts after the Fort Worth disaster. Now one team in their district is only going to have 9 games with a bye at the end of the season.
  17. Key word is only for football. No decision has been made for basketball and other sports.
  18. Tried to say travel, even through the district they wanted was actually further. Their new district has Lampasas, Liberty Hill, Burnet, Salado, and Taylor.
  19. Lubbock. The Wild West's last holdout.
  20. Actually thinking more about UIL's reasoning, West Brook will probably win their appeal for all sports and academics except football. Scheduling will be all jacked up if football is approved.
  21. They aren't going to win. Besides Fredericksburg all of the schools in their proposed district are farther away. They just don't want to face those teams. The schools with the best shot of winning their appeals are Central, Lockhart, and Hays CISD. West Brook has an outside shot. The most difficult decision for UIL is going to be Alice and Calallen. Both schools want to be placed in a 9 team district because that district is much much closer. Problem is a district can't be more than 10 teams. As for the rest, haven't read much. Harmony not appealing makes no sense, because they have the best shot of winning. Livingston being forced back to 5A would cause too many headaches for everyone.
  22. Windthorst and Throckmorton. Windthorst won the first half, but was killed in the 2nd half.
  23. Kennedale should be a good game. They are a really good run based team. I think last season may have had 2 2,000 yard rushers. Not for sure, but they are usually very good and athletic.
  24. No. Then again I don't look at a person's skin color, only their heart.
  25. Canadian, Cisco, Refugio, Stephenville, Wylie, Richland Springs, Throckmorton, etc. might disagree with that statement.
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