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Everything posted by BruinGrad87

  1. This is a much more reasonable statement than, "Best play caller in 3a" We can agree to disagree but just a bit over the top.
  2. Was it the best playcalling when it was at Kirbyville.......??? Or did it become that when he was at Newton? A lot of Newton folk at state championship I talked to would beg to differ with you....
  3. Go read the west Hardin thread
  4. Yeah. Just know things happen a little different in kville and wondered what would happen if they’d had same results. Congrats to kville on the win! Hopefully they can finish it!!
  5. His former assistant weasled his way into AD to reassign Bennett to jh forcing him to leave a program he built. Now that guy is reaping the benefits. interested to see what community does if he loses this round... being it’s as far as Bennett got...!
  6. Not sure if it’s official yet
  7. Awfully cryptic to be throwing weight around. Where you at skeet?
  8. it doesn't help that they are going to be senior heavy next year.... Over 3/4 their team was junior senior this year with bad lower levels.... not enough participation for us to play JV games against them at evadale... their MS coach said they only won a game or two against a bad burkville MS... might be a decent year next year for the oilers, but this job will be what it has always been, a coach killer.
  9. We all pay for the public education that MOST of us attended and MOST DO attend though......... So WHY NOT make it as good and as top notch across the board as possible??!?!?!? If that's an extra $30 a month then so be it! Or you could just vote no and things can continue to be sub-par and you can continue to send your kids to old schools and quality people will move away, including educators...This is why our country is great though... There's quite a bit more at stake than $30 a month for Nederlanders here IMO....
  10. i will never understand the fear-mongering of paying a little more in taxes on the experiences of children as they grow... the whole reason we love the sports they play and the reason most of us are so interested and fond of this board is because of the good vibes and feelings we get when we think back to those times when we were going through school.... why wouldnt you want THE BEST EXPERIENCES POSSIBLE for the children in your area....? just has always perplexed me
  11. im sure some would end up there as well
  12. it's only logical for parents to want the best for their children.... if the last 2 bonds haven't passed.... a third marks a trend most people will see as a situation that they want to stay clear of....
  13. people i've talked to have said all of those except bc
  14. just word of mouth talking to parents of children in elementary and middle....
  15. Apparently lots of families of young children moving out if this doesnt pass....
  16. From what I have heard, this is exactly what they are doing next year.
  17. Yeah but what’s the score
  18. Let's go BROOOOOOOOOKKKKK. Anybody else getting fired up!?!? Come on Saturday! Get that D playing together and we got some mojo working boys!!!
  19. You arent wrong. When family is involved, it tends to be the coaches fault.... when people can be more objective, you tend to get a more realistic observation to any issue at hand
  20. edges are WAY too soft for WBs defense, hard to pin that on the coaches when that has been what defenses have attacked the last 2 weeks with success. They get those OLB/SS type kids playing more aggressive on the run they could have more success, hard to change the whole mentality of the best option you have to put there in a week though.... Cy Creek has some great athletes and they rely on it a bit too much in the games I've watched of theirs this year. WB sticks to their guns and plays clean ball they should win by 14. I agree though, don't spot 21 ever
  21. Drink 2 bottles of pedialyte and you wont have an issue
  22. West Brook been traveling for years, it'd be nice for our fam to get promoted to the big leagues
  23. still say they should have closed ALL 3 beaumont schools and built a huge one next to or across from The stadium on the highway...... and called that UNITED... can you imagine the power house that would be....?
  24. How did i miss when we started saying Lumberton has speed..... everyone gets a little faster on turf guys.... lol
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